Chapter 6: The Office

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   Cornelia had a pained and worried expression on her face as she looked over at Eileen. She stood up, taking the books from the desk with her. 'Shall I say see you later?' Cornelia thought 'or is this more of a goodbye?' Unsure as she was, she decided to give Eileen a quick hug and walked out of the class. The walk to the principal's office seemed to be excruciating, it was one of the longest walks in her life and the short corridor suddenly seemed way too long. She had only just felt herself settling in, becoming more familiar with the town, building up the plan to start attending different societies and clubs, securing herself a job, and making friends. Did everything really have to end now? Because of some damn frat boy, who couldn't keep his hands to himself? No. She couldn't let that happen, not after everything she had been through. After the nightmares, the pain, the guilt, and the loss of everyone and everything that mattered to her.

   The petite blonde halted as she turned around the corner and walked into the lobby where Miss Meeks was merely typing away at her computer. Her heartbeat echoed loudly in the girl's ears as she stared at the open door of the principal's office and took in a couple of deep breaths. She wanted to turn around and run but it was too late, the school's secretary had turned her gaze away from the computer and smiled "Oh hello there! How is your first day going?" she asked enthusiastically, not knowing about the situation that had just happened in English class. "It's been good so far," the girl replied, choosing to stick to short and polite answers.

   It didn't take long before Principal Wardwell appeared from behind the open door of her office, looking rather annoyed at the fact that she was being kept waiting. "Excuse me" she coughed and stared at the two, giving Cornelia a proper death stare that sent shivers down her spine.

   Mary watched as Cornelia pressed her lips into a thin line and waited for the girl to finally get into the office, as she had been previously instructed. The principal lingered at the door for another moment, looking up at Miss Meeks, who was completely terrified by the new Miss Wardwell, or rather the changes that her best friend had recently displayed. "Don't let anyone in my office until Miss Moore has left," Mary said in a cold and dictatorial manner as she shut the door of her office with a loud thud. The brunette woman turned around, clicking her fingers and hearing the lock of the door turn, followed by a soft rattle of the blinds that instantly went down on the door, not letting any unwanted guests come in or see what was going on behind those closed doors. With a devilish grin, Mary Wardwell walked back to her desk and sat down, looking at the girl before her that had a naive apologetic expression on her face.

   "My, my, Miss Moore... and what are we going to do with you?" The low rusty voice of the brunette woman was sexier than ever and the thought of that made Cornelia send a subconscious shudder down her spine. "It's only your first day here and you already get into class fights! You do realise that this is a serious offense, Miss Moore, bearing in mind the fact that you are no longer a minor and laying your hands on other students..." But before the Principal could finish her trail of thought, the blonde girl found unable to restrain herself any longer and jumped up awkwardly as she spoke in a rush "Miss Wardwell, it wasn't what it looked like I swear! This, this.. swine! He was bullying Eileen and then he...his hands he..." Cornelia wanted to finish her words but noticing the grave look that she was receiving from Miss Wardwell she shut her mouth and sat back in the chair looking down at the floor. " As I was saying" the teacher proceeded nonchalantly "you are no longer a minor and laying your hands on other students has consequences that vary severely from those that Miss Canmore or any other student below the age of 18 would get." Mary finished and looked at the girl, who seemed to be crushed by the strict tone of the brunette and that made the woman smile.

   Slowly and triumphantly she stood up, her sharp hips swaying from side to side. Mary walked across the room and paused, standing right behind Cornelia. Her cold thin hands landing softly on the girl's shoulders, making the poor blonde's heart beat faster. The principal's smell was absolutely intoxicating, a light scent of roses, with some rustic smell of wine and that odd scent of old books. Her husky voice broke the silence "Of course, I believe you when you say it was only an accident and you were trying to protect your friend." The woman started gently massaging Cornelia's shoulders meanwhile the blonde girl seemed too startled by the situation. Her body grew a little tenser as Mary touched her, being used to people invading her personal space and allowing themselves to do such things to her body, but instead of pleasure and relaxation, that one usually felt during a massage, it only evoked pain and hatred within her.

   "Come on Cornelia, relax a little, relax..." the woman whispered in her ear. Feeling the pressure build up inside of Cornelia made her smirk as she kept her hands in place.

   Cornelia was about to push the woman's hands away, when she heard a soft whisper "Go on, I have a little task for you, if you can relax now I won't expel you." The principal slithered in a sly manner and Cornelia could have sworn that the wicked woman was smiling in pure ecstasy.

   Mary's hot breath washed over Cornelia's ear and the back of her neck, while the woman's hands seemed to apply more and more pressure, going through every tense muscle and working on it. 'Is she serious?' Cornelia's heart seemed to be racing so fast after these wicked words that she swore it would break through her skin and finally be released from the confinement of her body. 'How dare she? Blackmailing me into such things!? The nerve she has! Is this even legal? I am technically her student, but.... There is no way I can go against her will, not when my future is at stake.' Cornelia pulled all her inner strength together and gave into the brunette's hands. Soon she melted into the chair, letting these skilled hands release her from the tension and pain that was suffocating her from inside, as they pressed here and there, they seemed to hit just the right spots to free the bottled-up pain and made her rigid posture soften. Her chest growing heavier and breaths becoming longer, a wave of heat washed over Cornelia, making her shiver. 'Why does this suddenly feel so good?' she asked herself, blushing and battling to keep in a light moan 'Why do her hands make me feel so... this is wrong... but...' she struggled to keep her thoughts straight since she felt such peace wash over her 'so good.' She managed to conclude and a tiny moan finally escaped her mouth.

   Mary's hands instantly slowed down as she heard the sound, her lustful mind craved to hear. The corners of her lips moved up into a tiny smile as she kept going for a few more seconds, making Cornelia emit a few more of those sweet moans before stopping what she was doing. She walked back over to her desk and sat down looking at Cornelia as if nothing had happened at all. The girl's cheeks were blushing bright red and her eyes were fixed on the floor. Mary took in the sight for a few more moments and clicked her fingers underneath the desk.

   Suddenly the lock on the office door clicked open. Cornelia turned around terrified 'had someone been there all this time? Did they hear her? Who opened the lock?" she shuddered lightly at the idea that Miss Meeks could have deliberately closed the door since she knew what Principal Wardwell was up to or even worse if she was spying on them and had seen or heard what was going on.

   "Miss Moore" This low voice sucked Cornelia back into reality as she turned around to the brunette "Is everything alright?" Cornelia nodded hesitantly 'Did I just daydream all of this?' she thought, frowning lightly at the idea but looked at her Principal, who gave out a heavy tired sigh "Miss Moore, did you listen to me?" Cornelia nodded her head quickly seeing the brunette sigh again. "I really hope so, you will attend my detention class on Wednesday at 16 o'clock, and please, stay out of trouble, even if you are just trying to protect your friend." The woman concluded and smiled as if nothing had ever happened between the two of them "Now if you excuse me. I have a lot of marking to get through."

   Cornelia nodded and jumped up from the chair "Thank you for... Um... I'm sorry Miss Wardwell, I'll be much more careful and will watch my temper." The girl said, deciding that this whole thing must have been some sick trick of her imagination, and ran out of the Principal's office.

   Mary heard the door slam shut and she leaned back in her chair, stretching her neck by tilting it from side to side. The sound of Cornelia's sweet moans echoing in her ears as a mischievous grin spread across her face.

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