Chapter 15: Always

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   As the door behind him shut, Lilith stood in the dimly lit room watching the closed door for a few more seconds before slowly turning around. The blonde girl lay still on her back, eyes blankly staring up at the ceiling, no tears, no more fighting, just exhaustion and a small plea that unexpectedly reached Lilith's mind. The brunette woman's eyes widened as she stared at the girl in confusion, shock, and terror while Cornelia's voice echoed through the brunette's head. 'I don't know if you can hear me, or if you're even there but if you are, whoever you are... if you hear my prayer, I beg you, please, please give me the strength to push through this night. Whatever nightmares I will endure, I beg that you will be with me through them all. Please, be there to hold my hand, as I take this humiliating pain and save me from the everlasting shame that is to follow. Make my spirit strong as I bask in your glory and in return I will completely succumb to you, my Lord.' Cornelia's voice faded and Lilith felt her heart being compressed by grief. "Not your Lord, Your Lady" Lilith whispered softly looking at the beautiful girl before her as she fought back the tears. Inside, her mind was pierced with painful thoughts, crushed by the realization that this fiery girl had finally given up. Where was the girl that enticed the mother of demons herself? The fighter, who fought for justice and equality and never backed down. Her little flame. The prayer she just heard, it was desperate, desperate to the point that allowed her to hear it. 'How bad must it be if you no longer pray to the false god? You're not a witch, not a demon but you seek mine and Dark Lord's protection' Lilith made a small step towards the girl thinking about this, realizing that she might not have been the only one to hear it.

   The clicking of her heels echoed through the room as she slowly made her way over to the bed and sat down on the edge. The outside of her hand reaching over to the girl's shoulder and gently sliding down the front of her body, lovingly caressing its curves "And what do we have here tonight? Miss Satine..." The woman whispered her name emphasizing the 's' sounds in a serpent-like manner, her lips glazed with a slight smirk. The girl gave out a soft shriek at the woman's touch, the brunette's voice sounding so familiar to Cornelia but she refused to lower her eyes from the ceiling and look around to see who the intruder of her privacy was. "Satine..." the woman continued seductively "You've been a very naughty girl today. A little bird came by and told me that you have been a little runaway today, poor dear." She whispered the last words seeing Cornelia's eyebrows furrow at her words "It's all about decisions honey, take a look at the decisions you've made today and see where they led you" the woman held a small pause "Cornelia."

   The girl's head turned sharply in the direction of the mysterious speaker, eyes growing wide at the sight of the school's Principal. "M-miss W-Wardwell?"The girl stuttered in shock. "Oh please, drop the formalities" Lilith hardly managed to stifle a chuckle "Considering the circumstances you might as well call me Mary, unless..." She smirked tilting her head to the side and giving the girl a little wink "Unless you prefer other nicknames for your sweet rendezvous?" At these words, Cornelia's cheeks burned deep crimson from embarrassment. "Ew no! I don't! I'm not like that!" Cornelia said in a soft growl, the fire that Lilith missed finally starting to spark inside the girl. "No? Well, what are you like then?" Lilith teased as she bit her lower lip. "I'm, I'm..." Cornelia seemed startled and at loss for words, deciding to go quiet for a few seconds. "What are you doing here anyway?" She asked, feeling herself defeated.

   The brunette gave out a little chuckle and allowed her hand to wander back up, lingering over Cornelia's delicate chin for a few seconds before leaving her body alone. "I could ask you the very same question honey." She smiled and leaned forward to unlock the handcuff on the girl's legs " If you want to hear a story about some perverted English teacher who goes to places like this to buy themselves a hookup, sorry sweetie you won't. I'm here because after you stormed out of my office today I grew very concerned for you and other students have also expressed their worries since you looked very alarmed during lunchtime. As your Principal, I took it upon myself to pay you a visit and check how you were feeling but as I arrived at your house I found the front door left ajar and no signs of you around. My concerns grew and I looked around for potential signs of where you might have gone to and found a business card from Klaus, so here I am." Lilith shrugged her shoulders and reached over the girl as she fiddled with the handcuffs on Cornelia's wrists trying to unlock them.

   Listening carefully to the brunette, Cornelia felt the woman undoing the handcuffs on her legs and a soft sigh escaped her lips. There was something so damn attractive in that woman and for a moment Cornelia wasn't sure if she would have just preferred to sleep with Mary regardless of the circumstances they were currently in but the more rational side of her would never settle with that idea. A light smile crept over the girl's lips, hearing that Mary worried for her and cared enough to come to find her here. As the brunette leaned over her, Cornelia felt the heat radiating from the woman and her sweet scent, greedily breathing it in and dissolving in the sudden feeling of safety that washed over her. Feeling one hand break free Cornelia pulled it towards herself, pressing it tightly against her body, the woman on top of her shifting slightly to the other side, heaps of brunette curls falling over the blonde's face. A few more seconds and Cornelia heard a light click of the lock as her other hand came free and instantly moved over to the other one, both hands forming a small cross over her naked breasts as she tried to cover them up.

   Lilith lingered over Cornelia for another moment before removing herself off the girl and standing up. A long pause came as both women looked around the room puzzled, looking for Cornelia's clothes that Klaus took with him as he left. "Oh," Lilith mumbled and took off her long leather coat handing it over to Cornelia "Put this on dear, seeing that it barely covers her lower back woman quickly took off her thick long scarf and moved closer. Confidently Lilith took her skirt off and stepped out of it, revealing her gorgeous stockings underneath, with one swift motion she handed the skirt over to Cornelia "Put it on please" she said and used the scarf to tie it around her waist, forming a distant resemblance of a self-made skirt. "Time to get you out of here dear" Lilith moved closer to Cornelia "You're going to stand behind the door, okay. I will leave and pop upstairs to take your bag and come back for you. But lock the door and don't open it to anyone, until I'm here. Okay?" The blonde girl frowned "But, how will you..." "Shhh! Not now, girl, I will know which one is your bag. If need be I will find out, just trust me. But you have to do as I tell you! Stay here!" Lilith murmured softly and hurried to flee the room.

   In ten minutes' time, both women sat in the front seats of Lilith's car, staring at the club's front doors. "I'm sorry, couldn't find your clothes in the makeup room, he must have taken it away," Lilith said softly as she passed Cornelia a warm blanket. "Would you like me to take you home now dear?" The brunette asked as she half turned to look at the girl next to her. In the semi-darkness of the car, Cornelia seemed like a fragile glass doll, her silky pale skin reflecting the little rays of moonlight that fell on it. There came a long pause, neither knew what to do but they had the comfort of each other's company which seemed to ease the atmosphere ever so slightly. With a heavy nod, Cornelia muttered, "He knows my address and will come looking for me." Tears threatened to spill from the girl's eyes but the brunette moved her hand over Cornelia's and gave it a soft squeeze. "We'll be ready. Cornelia, I won't let him touch a hair on your beautiful head, he'll never harm you again" the woman's voice was soft and calming "How about I take you home, you can pack some of your things and I will take you over to my house for the night? There's a spare guest room there and you are very welcome there. Always."

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