Dog Man Art #3 | 🎨

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Welp, I've been drawing a lot of Dogman stuff recently because of the new book, so here's that.. I have some other doodles I'm working on too, just not done yet.

I really love this one, he l o o ks so cute ❤️💖
🖋️(Future Lazuli notes: It's funny to see how I drew them before, bc I don't draw them like this anymore and I remember how I kept changing the style I drew Dog Man characters all the time lol)

I really love this one, he l o o ks so cute ❤️💖🖋️(Future Lazuli notes: It's funny to see how I drew them before, bc I don't draw them like this anymore and I remember how I kept changing the style I drew Dog Man characters all the time lol)

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Like father, like son 🌟

The ending hit me, so I drew this because I admire the stars and I love galaxy and starry skies alot

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The ending hit me, so I drew this because I admire the stars and I love galaxy and starry skies alot.. I could stare at them for like ever ✨👀

Li'l Petey is like the sweetest, that's just a fact 🖋️(Future Lazuli notes: Sky looks kindaaa rad okay okay I seeeee)

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Li'l Petey is like the sweetest, that's just a fact
🖋️(Future Lazuli notes: Sky looks kindaaa rad okay okay I seeeee)

Li'l Petey is like the sweetest, that's just a fact 🖋️(Future Lazuli notes: Sky looks kindaaa rad okay okay I seeeee)

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I need more interactions of these two.... Petey stop acting like he isn't adorable

🖋️(Future Lazuli notes: OKAY this drawing I have seen like everywhere and it haunts me it's sad how much people have stolen it but at the same time I don't care that much, i just don't like seeing old artttt guysss please I saw it on TikTok, here...

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🖋️(Future Lazuli notes: OKAY this drawing I have seen like everywhere and it haunts me it's sad how much people have stolen it but at the same time I don't care that much, i just don't like seeing old artttt guysss please I saw it on TikTok, here, YouTube😭)

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