Dog Man Lattes | 💛

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Heeyo, sorry I haven't updated in like five days or something but I have a ton of work in school. Like no kidding cause I'm almost going to highschool soo0 yeaH.

Plus Dav posted this like a while ago and it's just adorable and I want 600¿¿

Plus Dav posted this like a while ago and it's just adorable and I want 600¿¿

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It's from his Instagram and apparently a Korean person made these

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It's from his Instagram and apparently a Korean person made these. That's like amazing

I can't wait for the epic tales of Captain Underpants season 2 ¿¡¡ and January is almost over so it's gonna be here in no time, buuTt I don't have Netflix soo imma have to wait a while for it to go on these cartoon websites ya knOw-

🖋️(Future Lazuli notes: I have Netflix now guys, character development at its finest. I'm so grown. Also mwah captain underpants show got a place in my heart it's so wonderful)

 Also mwah captain underpants show got a place in my heart it's so wonderful)

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🖋️(Future Lazulii notes: I was a reaalllyyy coool kid damn)

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