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I wake up hearing my mom calling my name to get up I turn on my phone to see what time it was. 8:00 in the morning why the hack was mom waking us up at this time I got out of my bed and went to my doorway and yelled why are we getting up its too early and school not till tomorrow then mom came to my doorway and said stop asking me questions and get ready and pack your bags. WHAT! Where are we going at this time I seen her heading off to get my little brother ace up because he was still sleeping. I went into my dresser and got out all my clothes to pick a outfit. Put some in my my suitcase and some layed out to pick from it was hard to pick between black pants and blue top or blue jeans with blue top or maybe the rip jeans and blue top. I'll go with the rip jeans and blue top after I got dressed I put a bit of makeup on and went downstairs to put my bag in the car but when I went down there I seen no site of mom suitcase anywhere.

My first shift book 1#Where stories live. Discover now