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after I was done eating I got out my iPad and put it on the back of my sisters chair good thing I didn't forget this if I did I couldn't watch my show and movies I like how it fits on any car chair I turn on a movie and seen jade on her phone texting her friends and looking at videos I sat and watch my movie after it was done I played a game after that I turn off my iPad and look outside it was so busy out there with all the cars. mom what time are going be at dads I'm getting bored. I know dear it going be a long drive but we can talk to make it faster if u like I  nod my head yes. jade get off your phone and talk to your brother but mom I'm texting Kate and Zoey I'm moving to my dads and new school so I wont be there anymore'' well u can do that later talk to ace I'm driving and cant talk and drive at the same time mom and jade fight all the time because of me I didn't mean to start one I just wanted talk or play a game jade just listen to me and talk to ace fine ill talk to him she turn to me and stared to talk hey buddy what you wanna talk about. how about school are you scared about going to a new school I nod my head yes why are you scared you'll make new friends bud and if you do ill bring you to a fun place but you need make one friend and ill bring you and your new friend to the place. I didn't know where but I know jade knows a fun place so I said ok after a bit we pass a exit and me and jade ask if we were almost there mom nod yes just a few more minutes and you'll be at your dads me and jade couldn't wait to see dad we were there last week but we miss him a lot and couldn't wait live and help with the farm.

My first shift book 1#Where stories live. Discover now