twenty six

14 1 0

Chapters all in one.
The bell ring for lunch and I seen I got another text from my dad he said he's going meet me at lunch I had  tell the the others when I got to the cafeteria I sat down and told them that my dad is coming here to talk to me what do I do I put my head down on the table Alex. Jade it will be ok I'll come out with and talk to him. How's that going work hi Jades dad she's a wolf and can't come home tonight Alex. I'm not going say that jade your just over thinking what your dads needs you for. No I'm not I know he wants know why I been at your house so long ding my phone went off it's my dad Alex says come on let go talk to him and we went the back why of the café I seen my dad in the parking lot  and he wave me over so this your friend he look at me oo dad stop ok ok dad. Hi I'm jaded dad and you are Alex. I'm Alex mr?
Dad. Oh call me Jake so your helping my little jade with school. Alex yes she has almost got it done for tomorrow but I hard you need her home. Dad.  No no if she needs get her test done she can stay one more night may I talk to jade now.  Alex sure of course  dad what did You need me for dad. I was worried about you being gone so long and lex is missing you she needs to be ride on and I can't do thunder and lex with ace. I know I know I miss her too I'll be home tomorrow I promise to ride her and train her dad. Ok go eat now text me when you go to bed. Ok I will bye I watch him drive off and look at Alex sorry about him saying ooo I don't know why he dose that Alex. Hahah think it was funny how he called him he's little jade I smirk come let's get back we got back in and maya look us and Nichole Leanna and the boys what we both said we wanna know what happen will my dad is ok with me staying again but I do need get back to lex who's lex Maya ask oh she's my horse I need ride and train she's getting sad I'm not there aww you ride cool what kind they all ask now um a bit of western and English nice the bell ring and now it was my last gym today we were going go out side to play on the field I loved gym it was good to get fit i look at my phone to see what time it was so was not late for class Nichole was in my last class got ready and went out to meet up with. The class
Hey Wolfe's hope you like this chapter this one is longer then the others ones I've down I'm not that busy so I'll maybe start make them longer anyway that's all for today maybe. Write later byee💫🌙🐺

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