forty five

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finally back at school

as we are all happy to be having kids I still had school to finish and grad from it was the next day and I was ready to go to school but my dad was right I look more pregnant than I was yesterday

Alex walks into the room. and seen my belly, wow you're looking like a mom now he said with a smile. haha thanks, I said in a laugh my dad was right about weeks going fast. yep as a werewolf, they grow faster or maybe half-human. do we know if they're full wolves or like me? hmm, I didn't think that but when I was 1o I had my first change so would they? well have to see that but let's go get ready for school I can't be late for the first week being back. ok ill let you get ready ill see you downstairs. yep ill be down there soon I got my outfits out and got ready fast then went down stairs to say bye to my dad and my brother and Lunar too because she was part of the family now. Then got in the car to drive to school I was thinking about people Judging me they see my belly and think that's why I was gone the whole September and now it October 15 soon to be Halloween and November when the kids well be born soon. Alex seen me thinking he knows what I was thinking about. Don't worry no one we'll judge you only werewolf's can see your full belly you'll be fine. Wow he's good he know what I was thinking I mean of course he can he is my mate. We get to the school we get out of the car and off me and maya and Lilly go to English.

Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter I'm trying my best to write more been sooo busy with school and other things I'll try to write more bye

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