The Test

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“Lance get up. Coran, said we had to take some weird test early.” Hunk says standing at the entrance to Lance’s room.

Lance rubbed his eyes, and slowly sat up in bed. “I’ll be there in a minute.” Lance says as, Hunk, walks out of the room. Lance stands up and gets dressed for the day. When he groggily walks to the living room he sees Hunk, Pidge, Shiro, Allura, Coran, and...Keith. 

“Ok, now that sleeping beauty is up, can you tell us why we are up this early?” Keith asks annoyed.

“Don't worry red paladin. This is just a quick second gender test.” Corand says, taking a small needle out of his pocket.

“Second gender?” Keith asks.

“Ya, we just need to know if you guys are alphas, betas, or omegas. This will be over quickly, and you guys can go back to doing nothing.” Allura says.

“Now, everyone gets behind number 5.” Coran says grabbing Pidge’s hand, and pricking her finger. He put a drop of her blood on a piece of paper and waited a second. “Pidge your beta.” He did this then again with all the other paladins. “Hunk your a beta, Keith your and alpha, Shiro your and alpha, and Lance your a…” Coran looked at the paper questioningly. 

Hunk looked over Corans shoulder to look at the paper. “What does purple mean?” Hunk asked. Since blue was beta, and red was alpha Hunk was a little confused. 

“Um, I must have done it wrong. Lance let me see your hand again.” Coran says placing his finger in the paper again, but like before it became purple. “'re an omega.” Coran says a little confused.

“What, i'm not a girl though. How can I be an omega?” Lance asks confused.

“Not all omegas are female, it is rare, but there are male omegas.” Coran says. “Paladins, the reason we have to do this test is because your second gender will be more prominent, so Keith and Shiro, you will go through times of heightened aggression and sexual frustration. Lance once every three month you will feel an urge to nest, and will become very horny. That is completely natural, and it will last a few days. During this time, Shiro and Keith, you two need to avoid him. Hunk, Pidge, nothing will really happen.” Coran explains to everyone. 

Lance walked back to his room confused, and a little worried, they had been in space for almost two month. How long did he have? When he got to his room, he opened up the computer that Pidge had made him, and looked up what happens during heat. 

“What the hell is slick, and how the hell am I supposed to get pregnant?” Lance continued to scroll through the document, and just kept getting more and more confused. “Wait I've been and omega for two month, and I haven't latched to an alpha yet. I really hope that it is Shiro.” Lance says closing his computer.

“Oh, Lance, I guess that you would want to see SHiro right now.” Keith says sounding disappointed. He was holding his “computer”

“Oh, um...Keith, how long have you been there?” Lance asks embarrassed.

“Just long enough to hear that you want to latch to Shiro. I can leave now.”

“No, wait, I...why are you here?” Lance asks stopping Keith.

Can ask

''Oh, I was just doing some math, and I figured out that your heat is in about three days, and I read up on nesting.”

“What did you read?”

“Oh,” Keith says walking over to Lance. Lance schootches over so Keith can sit down. “So, I  read up on it, and it says that if you have stuff from and alpha around you, it can help out with the pain.” Keith says scrolling through the document he had open.

“Oh, well, why were you going to say this to me?”

“ see...I was going to say that you could use some of my band t shirts, or hoodies, but after what you said. I can ask Shiro if he had any spare cloth.” Keith says closing his computer and standing up.

“Wait, Keith, why do you even care?”

“Oh, well, when Coran told you you looked...scared and confused, so I just thought that having someone to help would make it easier. Anyways, I need to go train.” Keith says walking out the door. “Oh, and if you want, I know Shiro is just sitting in his room.”

After a few minutesLance got up and walked to the training room, it smelled like Strawberry, Lance walked in and saw Keith, shirtless, dodging blows from the bot. He had his hair pulled back into a small ponytail. Keith dodges a blow and slide under the bot, cutting it down the middle simultaneously.

“Not bad, Mullet.” Lance says cockaly.

“What you think you could beat me?” Keith says standing up, whipping the sweat off his forehead. 

“Easily.” Lance replays.

Keith and Lance face each other in the middle of the training room, bayards activated.

“Come on Mullet.” Keith spins kicking Lance in the stomach.

Lance collapses to the floor wrapping his arms around his stomach. ‘Why did that hurt so much Lance says in pain.”

Keith drops his bayard and runs over to Lance. “Why the hell didn't you…” Keith says before Lance tackles him to the floor. Lance pins his arms to the ground laughing at Keith. “What the hell Lance?” Keith says angry and confused.

“I won. I didn't say that I could beat you in a fight, I just said I could beat you.” Lance says still laughing.

“Oh,” Keith says before tackling Lance to the floor. The two of them continued to roll around the floor rough housing with each other.  They bumped into the bench, causing both their water bottles to fall over. 

Keith smirked and grabbed his water batlle. He stated to spray Lance with his water causing Lance stop block his face with one hand, and look for his water bottle with his other one. "Keith...St-Stop it. I'm getting all wet." Lance says grabbing hold of his water bottle. Lance throws Keith off him and stands up slowly. " Revenge.” Lance says spraying keith with water. The two boys continued to spray each other till they were both out of water. They both looked at each other and at their empty water bottles, before they broke out into laughter. They fell to the floor rolling around in laughter. 

“I’m glad to see you two getting along, what happened?” Shiro says leaning against the wall with an amused expression on his face.

I hope you guys enjoyed my the first chapter.

Word count-1,126

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