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Keith sighs and hands Lance his jacket. Lance immediately brings the jacket to his face and smells it. As Lance goes to put the jacket down on his pillow, Coran and Shiro walk in. 

“Hey, Shiro, I don't know if you should be in here. I didn't realize it at the time, but I think Lance might be in heat.” Keith says standing up. 

“Keith, if that is true then, you also need to leave.” Coran says walking towards them. 

Keith once again goes to leave, but Lance jumps towards Keith and wraps his arms around Keith’s waist. “HE IS NOT LEAVING!” Lance yells angry. “WE WON'T DO ANYTHING, BUT HE IS NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE.” Lance then starts to cry into the back of Keith’s shirt.

Keith turns around and hugs Lance. “Ok, Ok, I won't leave.” Keith says, comforting Lance. 

“Up.” Lance mumbles into Keith's chest.

Keith sighs, and picks lace up bridal style.”

Keith turns to Coran and Shiro again looking down at Lance, who buried his face into Keith’s chest. Keith looked up at Coran and Shiro. “Coran, is there anyway to speed up his heat, or make it less uncomfortable?” Keith asks concerned. 

“Keith, the only way to speed up his heat, or make it more comfortable, would be for him to mate.” Coran says gravely.

“Keith~ Im so hot~.” Lance wines.

Keith looks down at Lance then back at coran and Shiro. “I won't mate with him, but I also won't leave him. I'm just going to let him sleep.” Keith says. 

Coran looks at Lance and Keith than sighs. “Just make sure that nothing happens, and let me know if he magically gets better in the next two days.” Coran says before leaving with Shiro.

Keith then, once again, turns all his attention to the omega in his arms. “Lance im going to put you down on your bed now. Ok?” Keith asks.

Lance knobs, and loosens his grip on keith's shirt. Keith puts Lance down softly, and then turned towards the door. “W-Wait, you said you wouldn't go.” Lance wines. 

Keith turns around to look down at Lance. “I'm going to go get some spare cloth, and the pillows and sheets from my room.” Keith says in a reassuring voice. “I will be right back.”

Keith walked to his room, and gathered everything he would need. He even grabbed his knife from under his pillow, just in case. Keith walked back to Lances room, with every bundled up in his arms. When he got back to Lances room he went to open the door, but stopped when he heard Lance inside. Keith leaned his ear to the door, and turned red from what he heard.

“K-Keith~ ah ah ah~ mhm~” Keith had to pull away from the door, and knocked. Keith heard Lance fumble around, before yelling that Keith could come in. Keith opened the door slowly and saw Lance sitting on his bed, wearing Keith's jacket, with a pillow on his lap. I walked in and laughed slightly at Lance when I put my stuff down.

“What's so funny?” Lance asks annoyed.

“I don't know. Maybe you could just hand me that pillow.” Keith says sarcastically.

“It's just my...um...it's because of my heart.” Lance stammers.

“Ya, I guess you moaning my name was also “Because of your heat”.”

Lance looked at Keith in emborsement and shock. “You-You were waiting outside the door, why did you do that?” Lance asks, sounding betrayed.

Word count-588

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