Heat Wave

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This chapter is short and Smitty, suffer.

"Lance, are you ok." Keith asks putting his hand on Lance's back.

Lance is panting, and sweating, and wincing in pain. "It-it just got so hot, and my stomach hurts so much. Please...Keith...Help me.." Lance asks grabbing at Keith's tee shirt.

"L-Lance, I can help you dry off, and get back to the bed, but...I don't know how else I can help you. It looks like your heart just got a lot worse." Keith says sorry.

Keith picked Lance up, and slowly dried him off, before putting him down on the bed. "Keith-Keith, please...I need you...it hurts..." Lance pants out.

"Lance, I can't help you, I don't know how?" Keith says petting Lance's silky soft hair.

"W-What we did before...please help me..." Lance says panting and grabbing Keith's hand.

Keith blushed, and got up on the bed. Keith sat against the wall and pulled down his pants, while lance sat on Keiths lap already starting to pump their members together.

"Ah-Ah, Lance~I can do that." Keith says stopping Lance, and kissing him deeply. Keith moved Lance's hand to his shoulder, and started to pump their members together. He would squeeze more towards the top, and running his thumb over Lance's slit.

"Mmm~Keith~i'm close...faster..." Lance moans out, clawing at Keith's back.

Keith moved Lance away letting go of his member, and moving down off the bed. Lance hung his legs on the side off the bed, and Keith smirked. Keith licked the precum up Lance's ember cause the tan boy to tremble. "Ah~ Keith, that feels so~ good..." Lance pants out grabbing at Keith's hair.Keith licked the tip of Lance's member, and then slowly took Lance in his mouth. Lance squirmed and painted even more. Keith slowly started to bob his head up and down, and swirled his tongue around Lance's tip. "Keith~I'm going to... I'm going..." Lance pants out as Keith speeds up.

"Lance~in my mouth~" Keith purrs out causing vibration down Lances member.

Lance grabbes Keith's head and thrust into his mouth, cumming down his throat. "Ah~" Lance moans out, falling back on the bed. Keith moves up and looks at Lance, his mouth slightly open, so Lance could see his cum in Keith's mouth.

"That is amazing..." acne says petting Keith's hair.

Keith swallowed Lance's cum and layed down next Lance. "Thank you for the gift, my omega." Keith purrs out holding Lance close.

"Oh...um...anytime..." Lance says embarrassed.

"Lance, I need to go tell Coran you got worse. When I get back you can do whatever you want to me." Keith says slowly standing up.

"No...I want you to stay with me. What if you walk by Shiro, or Allura, and you choose to stay with them." Lance says starting to cry.

"Aw~Lance, I wouldn't pick them over you. Calm your hormonal, bisexual, paniced, omega mind, and remember. ''I love you." Keith says kissing Lance, and putting his clothes on.

"Keith~, please hurry back." Lance says sitting needily on the bed.

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