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“I guess so, Sharp Shooter.” Keith says, seeing Lance blush as he turns on the shower. Keith steps into the running water, while Lance hides his face from it. Lance’s face was buried into Keith's chest while the water hit his back and Keith moved so he could mess Lance’s hair. 

“Mmm~ Strawberries.” Lance says, smiling into Keith's chest and making him laugh. “You should start using a strawberry body wash.” lance says as he pulls his face back and smiles. 

Keith smirks before moving lance so he can wrap his legs around the raven haired boy’s waist. Keith leans down and nuzzles Lance’s neck smelling and ocean breeze with a faint dusted cocoa smell. “Then you should use an ocean or coco body.” Keith says, smirking as Lance flushed red. 

Keith washes Lance off and they move so Lance can lay down and Keith grabs him some painkillers. Lance quickly tales the two small pills and slowly sits up in pain. “Are going to b-” Keith begins to ask before the door intercom cuts them off. 

“Lance, Keith, we’re all heading to the space mall, it is important you both join us.” Coran says through the intercom. 

Keith walks over to the door, pressing the intercom button for them to talk. “Ya, we will be out in a dobash.” Keith says before lifting his finger off the button and turning to Lance. “It looks like you need to move out of bed.” Keith says, walking over and helping Lance up.

“Fine, just don’t complain if I make you carry me.” Lance says, laughing, and going to change. He throws on his normal attire and so does Keith before they walk to the door. Lance limped slightly as he walked with Keith to the main conference room. Ped Egg was standing there, a cross satchel bag, and Coran was talking with Allura. 

“Hey, are we all going today?” Keith asks looking around. “Where’s shiro?” 

Just as the question leaves his mouth Shiro appears behind him. “I’m behind you.” Shiro says, smelling the air. Seeing as Keith still smelled strongly of lance. “I see you and Lance made up.” He says, nudging Keith and smiling. 

“Oh-” Keith says, jumping at Shiro’s sudden presence. “Y-Ya, we did.” He says, rubbing his neck awkwardly. 

“I’m glad we have soundproof rooms, I do not want to hear that while trying to sleep.” Pidge says laughing. 

"Hear what?" Lance asks as he walks I to the room, confused. 

“You and Keith making up is how they put it.” Allura says, sheepishly. 

Lance turns a deep red as he remembers everything that happened to him. “Oh...I-we, why are we even talking about that?” Lance asks, shocked. 

“Well, Keith smells alot like you now, so I just sorta assumed you guys had made up. I didn’t think you two had gotten tha-” Shiro says before Hunk runs over and covers Shiro’s mouth. 

"We just know because Keith seems happier." Hunk says, nervously laughing. 

“Ok, enough dilly dallying, we need to get to the spacemall.” Coran says, hurry them out of the ship. He had said it would be better if they all just took one of the ship's pods earlier, and everyone was too tired to argue. It was only a couple ticks before they got to the spacemall and separated. However, before Lance could run off to go find his skin care stuff, and before Keith could go off to check out new weapons and a store….to see if he could get anything for Lance, Coran stopped them. 

“We are here to find Lance serpresants, first and foremost, until then I don’t want you running around.” Coran says to lance. 

“I know, I know, I was just gonna walk around till I found some.” Lance says, shrugging. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2020 ⏰

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