Face masks

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“Don't worry, I wasn’t there that long.” Keith says handing Lances his pillows and sheets. Lance stuck his tongue out at Keith, and took the pillows and sheets from him. Keith let out a laugh, as he watched Lance build his nest. “So, Lance do you need anything else?” Keith asks concerned.

“Mmm...can you grab me some face masks?” Lance asks looking over at the bathroom. Keith rolled his eyes, but ended up grabbing Lance a few face masks from the bathroom. Lance looked through the different masks before pulling two out sheet masks, a strawberry one and an ocean one. 

“Keith, sit here.” Lance says patting his hand on a clear part of his nest.

Keith goes over and sits down in front of him. “It's pretty surprising, you're not in that much pain.” 

“Oh, my entire body is aching, and hot, this is just helping distract me from the pain.” Lance says opening the strawberry face mask. “Now you need to pin back your hair.” Lance says sternly. 

Keith looks around confused. “What am I supposed to use?” Keith asks confused.

“Use this.” Lance says handing Keith a stretchy headband.

Keith pushes his hair back, and Lance starts to apply the face mask.

“I'm going to do your hair after this.” Lance says smoothing out the edges of the mask.

Keith sighed and laughed at the face that Lance was making. He had his tongue out of the corner of his mouth, he looked like a kid drawing, and it was adorable. When Lance finished, he put his own face mask on, and took the headband out of keiths hair.

“Turn around.” Lance says leaning over to his night stand and grabbing some clips. Keith didn't ask any question, and just turned around. Lance started to run his fingers threw Keith’s hair while separating it into three parts. Lance slowly starts to french braid Keith's hair. Lance stated to pull slightly on Keith’s hair, causing keith to jolt his head back. “Hey, try to put up at least some resistance. I don't want you to fall over.” Lance says jokingly.

“Well, I can't tell if you want me to move my head or if you are just torchering me.” Keith says laughing.

“You'll know if I am trying to hurt you.” Lance says tying off the end of the braid. “Hey, turn around again. I want to work on your bangs.” Lance says, dropping his hands to his lap.

Keith, again, turned around and faced Lance. Lance then started to take red hair clips, and pinned up Keith hair. Lance brushed different pieces aside, and then pinned up other pieces. After a few seconds Lance put his arms down, and smiled. “Done.” Lance says with a childish smile.

Keith grabbed one of the clips from Lance’s hands, and pinned up a small part of Lances hair. “Lance how long do you want me to wear this mask?” Keith asks pulling at the edge of his mask.

“I think it can come off now.” Lance says pulling Keith's face mask off. Lance then started to rub in the serum that was left on Keith's skin. Keith smirked and took off Lance’s Mask. doing the same to him. Lance slowly lowered his hands and just stared at Keith. Keith stopped what he was doing, causing Lance to snap out of his trance. 

“Your skin is really soft.” Keith says running his thumb under Lances eye, wiping away a small amount of serum.

“Well that is because of all the face masks I wear.” Lance says placing a hand under his chin, as if he were showing off his skin. “You should actually start wearing them, your skin looks so much better now.” 

Keith smiled. “I might do them sometimes, but only when you are in heat, and put them on me yourself.” keith says with a smirk.

“Well, then for every day this week, you will have to put on a face mask.” Lance says takin the spare face masks and putting them on his night stand.

Keith cupped Lances cheek with one hand, and then planned the back of his other hand on Lance's forehead. “Are you still in pain?”

“I'm really hot and really uncomfortable, but ill live.” Lance says leaning into Keith's hand.

Word count-720

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