Am I yours?

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As the family turned away, Keith turned to look at Lance. "we aren't a couple?" Keith asks, sadly.

"N-No, I just mean-" Lance says, panicking before Hunk cuts him off. 

Hunk had jumped out of yellow and was helping personally rebuild. “Lance! We could use a hand over here!” 

Lance turns back to Keith then over to Hunk. “I’ll be right there!” Lance shouts back then looks back over at a hurt Keith. “Can we please talk about this later?” Lance says, running over to Hunk before Keith had the time to respond. Keith stands there, not knowing what he is supposed to do. 

“I guess we can.” Keith says, saddened that Lance had run away.  They continued to work on the planet, while Lance avoided Keith.

"Hey, Shiro? Can we talk?" Keith asks, moving more of the rubble out of the road. 

"What's up?" Shiro asks, wiping away sweat from his forehead. 

"Me and Lance...he said we aren't…we spent his heat together, but now he said we aren't a thing."  Keith says, trying to find the best way to explain it. 

“Well, did you guys say you Were a thing before?” Shiro asks as the two of them walk over to the construction team and help with rebuilding destroyed homes. 

“Ya, we did, but a woman ran over and thanked us for helping her find her kids and saving them. She said we were a couple, but lance just denied it.” Keith says. 

“Well...maybe it was just being in front of someone-” Shiro begins before he turns to one of the natives who was building. They pointed the two of them towards the best place for them to help and Shiro thanked them. “Someone who you guys don’t really know. Adam used to always deny that we were a thing when random people would ask out of fear of being judged. Lance is also an omega so his ego has already taken a blow, he probably just needs to find his lanceness again.” Shiro says smiling. 

“His lanceness? I’m pretty sure that we just call that his ego.” Keith says going to pick up large pieces of flat materials used for the walls. Shiro grabs a few as well and they go over to the frames of the houses that need the walls. 

“Ya, I mean you and I got it easy.” Shiro says, pushing one of the walls up while his metallic had attached it. 

“What do you mean? He spends most of his time making fun of me.” Keith says, lining up the other wall. 

“Well, I mean alphas and betas got it easy. Lance has to go through a heat and is super susceptible to alphas. We go through a time of heightened testosterone. I mean we got off pretty easily. You could get how Lance, being Lance, would be upset being an omega.” Shiro says, helping Keith attach the wall. 

“Well, I guess, but they didn’t know that so i don’t get why he couldn’t have just said your welcome, or no problem. Not just deny it, saying that we aren’t a couple.” Keith says, picking up another wall. 

“Did you talk with him?” Shiro asks, helping Keith support the larger wall.

“I tried. He left and just ran over with Pidge and Hunk.” Keith says, annoyed. 

“Well, we should be done here soon. Then you can sit down with him and talk. Maybe he is just worried.” Shiro says, as they continue to build the exterior walls. 

“I just hope he really does want to talk.” keith says, quietly. 

They continued to work and rebuild the planet. With everyone working it was pretty easy to get everything done. They left after Pidge and Shiro helped them with their defense system. Once back everyone flopped down in the main room, exhausted. Keith walked over to Lance, and the brunette was laying down, head laying over the couch. 

Keith sat down next to him, and lance sighed, picking up his head. “Hey, mullet, what’s up?” Lance asks, messing the back of Keith's hair. 

“Hey, I was just wondering if we could talk.” keith says, quietly. 

“” Lance says, weakly standing up. 

“Don’t fuck him, we have training tomorrow!” Pidge yells to them laughing. 

Lance blushed as he turned back to yell at Pidge. “Fuck you-I will do what ever i damn well please.” Lance says as he grabs Keith’s arm and they head to his room. 

Lance’s room still smells sweetly like him, and it was calming to Keith. Lance sat down on the bed, pushing to lean against the wall. “What do you want to talk about?” Lance asks as Keith just stands there awkwardly. 

“ said that we aren’t a you not want to be a couple or just not want to admit it?” Keith asks, sitting on the edge of Lance's bed, facing away from the brunette. 

“Oh...that…” Lance says, moving to be closer to Keith. Lance lays his head down on Keith’s shoulder and nuzzles his face into the ravenette’s scent glands. “I panicked...I wasn’t sure what to say, and having to admit that I am with anyone is scary right now. Also I’m just gonna blame this part as my omega sense, but I felt weak admitting I was with someone.” Lance says, moving again to just be resting on Keith. 

“Why did you run when I went to ask you then?” Keith asks. 

“Again….I was nervous and a little scared. I do want to be with you though.” Lance says, while Keith reaches his hand around to grab Lance’s waist. 

“Thank god. I honestly thought you were gonna breakup with me.'' Keith says, kissing Lance’s head. 

“No way...I love getting to hang with you and…” Lance says getting up and running over to the bathroom. “I need someone to try this with.” Lance says, coming out with a clay face mask and brush. 

“What is that?” Keith asks, smirking. 

“I think it is a clay face mask, or a cream one. I don’t know, but we are trying this...hopefully it doesn’t make us break out and die.” lance says jumping onto the bed. Keith laughed and Lance grabbed their head bands off the nightstand. They put up their hair and lance opened the mask. Carefully lance painted the neon green substance onto Keith. “Does it hurt or tingle?’ lance asks. 

“No, not really. If it starts to burn off my skin i will let you know.” Keith says, grabbing the container from Lance. Lance finished the last stroke and handed Keith the brush. 

“Don’t get it in my brows, I don’t know how it will come off.” Lance says, closing his eyes. 

Keith begins to paint on the mask and Lance lets out a scream. Keith pulled away and quickly wiped off what little of the mask was on him. “Jesus christ are you ok?” Keith asks, panicked. 

Word count-1,166

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