Healing Video Games

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Keith begins to paint on the mask and Lance lets out a scream. Keith pulled away and quickly wiped off what little of the mask was on him. “Jesus christ are you ok?” Keith asks, panicked. Keith examanded a deep red mark from where the mask was and lightly tapped it, causing the brunette to wince. 

“This is the worst reaction to a mask ever, it burns.” Lance wines, reaching up to rest to hand over it. 

“It looks pretty aggravated. Maybe we should ask coran?” Keith says, panicking. 

“Coran, really? It’s a face mask and I don’t think he uses them that often. Allura would be better.” lance says, standing up and holding his face. Keith grabbed the mask, so she could read it over before they left the brunette’s room. 

They walked to allura’s room, hearing her talking through the door. Keith knocked and they heard a small scream followed by objects falling. Allura opened her door in confusion before looking at Lance, shocked and then disappointed. “Come in here.” allura says, pinching the bridge of her nose. 

Lance and Keith do as they're told, and Lance sits down on the bed, tears of pain pricking his eyes. Alurra moves over to examine the evident mark on Lance’s cheek. “Lance, Keith, how did Lance get a chemical burn on his face?” Allura asks, as she reaches up and pushes Lance’s hand out of the way. 

“Chemical burn?! Is this gonna leave a permanent mark!?” Lance asks in a panic. 

“I can’t say, you might be fine, however I’ve never seen one like this.” Allura says, then slowly turning to see Keith. “What caused this?” 

Keith showed Allura the mask that he had had on earlier with no reaction even remotely like this. “It’s just a face mask. I had it on too, so why did he break out this much.” Keith says, confused and worried for his omega. 

“How is your face holding up, no tingling or burning right now?” Allura asks, concerned. Keith shakes his head no and Allura turns back to Lance. “Lance, did you have any cuts or open wounds on your face before you did this?” 

“Um..no, I don’t think so.” Lance says, remembering everything that had happened that day. “I guess I could have while we were building, but I’m not sure.”

“I had my helmet on a good amount of the time, and didn’t have anything hit my face while working with Shiro and construction.” Keith says, growing more worried. 

“Keith, please keep an eye on Lance. I’ve never seen a reaction like this, and I fear it could get worse. Lance, we may need to transfer you to a healing pod if it worsens.” Allura says, scared. 

“So this could be permanent? What am I supposed to do? What will happen if it worcenes? It won’t spread will it?” Lance asks, looking at Allura like a deer in headlights. 

“I’m not sure Lance, we could bring this to Coron. However, I’m not sure he would know either though.” Alurra says, gravely. 

“So what? Am I supposed to just go about my normal life?” Lance asks. 

“Well, I would recommend you cover it so it doesn’t werson, but I’m sure it will just heal.” Allura says, Keith just stood up, mumbling to himself. 

  “It’ll probably heal just fine, no need to worry. By the time you wake up tomorrow it will probably be gone.” Keith says, going over and helping Lance up. 

They went back to Lance’s room, not wanting to mess with any more masks, Keith put them away. Lance had been digging through his room to try and find his gaming console. Lance had pulled it out from under his bed, and Keith walked into the mainroom to see lance attaching a second controller. “A Little game to take my mind off my fucked up face?” Lance asks, lifting a controller up to Keith.  

“Of course we can, just don’t be surprised when you lose.” Keith says, laughing and taking a seat next to Lance.   

They set up a player vs player game, Keith choosing player two since he was red and Lance choosing player one since it was blue. Quickly Keith and Lance started hunting each other down, shooting at each other. “Ugh, I’m the one who actually uses a gun, how are you this good at this.” Lane asks, leaning side to side and annoyed while Keith shoots at him. 

“Well, it's not set up like your gun, sharpshooter. That's why I’m beating you.” Keith says, turning and kissing Lance on the cheek. 

“No-No mind games, I just need to-ha, yes!” Lance yells as he just barely beats keith. 

Keith looks over at the screen in shock and straightens himself in his seat.  “Ok, real thing now. One more round.” Keith says, clicking a new round. They continued to play, under the same name, while this time Keith took the win. They continued to play each one saying “one more round” when they would lose. Keith said it the last time, but then he felt the brunette's soft hair on his neck, his head on his shoulder. Lance had fallen asleep on Keith, still holding the remote. 

“Never mind, I guess we tied.” Keith says, kissing Lance's forehead and laying him down on the bed. Keith turned Lances head so the rash was showing and then going into the bathroom and grabbing coverings. 

Keith grabbed a patch of layered gauze and a plain, antibacterial cream. Keith walked back into the room, carefully smearing the cream over the irritated area. This created a sticky surface for the gauze and Keith carefully placed the gauze to cover the full area. He grabbed a small amount of sports tape to attach the gauze more securely and admired his handy work. “It will be gone soon baby.” Keith says, kissing Lance over the gauze and changing into sweats and taking off his shirt. Keith pulled the covers over them, and Lance and shifted closer to Keith as well. Lance looked peaceful and comfortable, unlike the past few nights. It was good for the both of them.  

*I'm sorry this is so late. I am working on all my books, so I will sometimes forget how long it's been with each book. If you guys will be out protesting, I just want to guys to be very careful, cover up, carry baking powder and water solutions, water bottles, don't wear makeup, and wear running shoes. Please ba safe and careful, and don't protest if you have a very high chance of getting Corona Virus. It's not gone and I want all of the fighters to be safe. We need everyone who supports BLM and LGBT rights alive to fight. Stay safe and stay strong. Also remember pride started as a riot, lead by two African American drag queens, against police brutality.*

Word count-1,154

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