What Happens After

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“Paladin, wake up!” Coran yells over the intercom.

Keith woke up first, but not the same way he went to sleep. He couldn’t move at all. Lance was laying down on Keiths chest, his head was buried into Keith's neck, and Lance was holding Keith’s arms to his chest. Keith slowly wiggled one of his arms free, and started to pet Lances messy hair. “You do have to get up soon, you can't just stay in bed all day.” Keith says while Lance rolls over on his chest. 

“Five more minutes, your comfortable.” LAnce mumbles into Keith’s chest. 

“Lance, are you ok? We brought you something to eat.” Hunk yells from outside the door. 

Lances head emedeantly shot up. Keith giggled when he heard Lances stomach growl. 

“Oh, don't laugh at me. I know your hungry.” Lance says stubbornly.  “So, can you um..” Lance says gesturing towards the door. 

Keith rolled his eyes and walked to the door. When he opened it he saw Hunk and pidge standing there both with a plate. 

“See, I told you he would be here.” Pidge says, smugly, to Hunk.

Hunk just rolled his eyes and handed Keith the plate. Pidge then also gave Keith their plate before the two of them looked over Keith’s shoulder at Lance. The two of them then started to walk to the kitchen, but Pidge kept their eye on Keith as long as possible.

Keith turned back to Lance with a fake scared look on his face. “I can't tell if Pidge is just being protective, or if they are plotting my death.” Keith says joking, walking back to Lance.

“Well, if they want to kill you, they will have to go through me.” Lance says taking one of the plates of food, from Keith’s hands.

“Yes, now I feel safe.” Keith says sarcastically.

Lance playfully punches Keith in the arm, before shoveling more food into his mouth. “Hey, slow down there. I'm not going to take your food.” Keith says almost laughing at how fast Lance was eating.

“Hey, i'm in heat, cut me some slack.” Lance says shoveling the last of his food into his mouth. Keith took one more bite of the space goo, and then slid the rest of it onto Lances plate. 

“Well, then you can have the rest of mine.” Keith says  putting his plate down on the nightstand and standing up.

“Lance looked down at his plate then up at Keith with the most innocent look. “Where are you going?” Lance asked scared. 

“Oh, I forgot.” Keith says sitting back down on the bed. “I was going to go train, but You would probably want me to stay, right?” Keith says sweetly to Lance.

“Um...well I don't want you to go, but you should go train, we want to be prepared.” Lance says shyly.

“How bad is your pain?” Keith asks placing the back of his hand on Lance’s forehead.

“It's not that bad.” Lance says, lying.

Keith looked at LAnce, judgingly. “Well, two things, one, you are the worst liar in the world, Lance McLain, and two you feel hotter than you did yesterday, so im not going anywhere.” Keith says smiling. “Also, I know you just want to see me all sweaty and hot.” Keith Says tauntingly.

Lance finished off his roof with a deep red on his cheeks. “Ok, so most of that is true, I am in a lot of pain, and I'm not the best liar, but i'm not that perverted.” Lance says sternly.

“Sure, Sure.” Keith says rolling his eyes.

“How low do you think of me, Keith Kogane?” Lance asks like a little kid.

“Well normally, or you right now?” Keith says jokingly. 

Lance just looked at Keith in a joking shock, and tackled him on the bed. The two boys fought for a few seconds before Keith pinned Lance to the bed. It took Lance a few seconds before he moved his legs slightly to hide the bulge in his underwear. “Um, Keith...the situation we are in is kinda um…” Lance says looking over at the wall and blushing. 

Keith took a second to evaluate the situation he was in, and leaned in close to Lances ear. “Do you like this, Mclain. Being completely at my mercy. Wondering what I'm going to do next?” Keith says taunting a quivering Lance.

“Keith, please...let me go.” Lance says Shivering.

“Keith leaned down to Lance’s neck, with his lips just brushing it, before he let go of Lance and sat back up.

Lance just laid on the bed, with his hands to his chest, and the most dumbfounded look on his face. Keith stood up and grabbed a spare change of clothing before going to the bathroom. 

Lance sat up slowly, and looked over at the bathroom door. Lance looked down at Keith's cloth, and then back at the door. Lance grabbed Keith’s Band tee-shirt off the floor, and pulled it over his thin frame. Lance loved how much the tee-shirt smelled like Keith. “Mmm...Keith~” Lance purs pulling the shirt up to his face.

Word count-857

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