Chapter 1

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A/N: Tada! Hi minna, this is a new book 'Felidae'! And like I said in the title, it's boyxboy and I think I'm gonna make the story's pace a little bit fast so scenes you may, or may not like *wink wink* probably will occur more. Enjoy! As usual, I hope for your votes and comments <3


"When it was evening, his disciples went down to the sea, embarked in a boat and went across the sea of Capernaum. It had already..."

Going to the church feels like being summoned to the living room by your parents. Listening to the homily feels like being lectured by your parents. And that's from someone who doesn't even have a mom or dad.

What I have is a drunk old man, who let us say... 'found' me by his doorstep, probably laid in a woven brown basket wrapped in a dirty cloth whatsoever. A drunk old man that can't do anything but curse that going to church and being lectured by a priest is better than staying home and be on his way. And a drunk old man which makes a church looks like a home compared to his apartment apearing like a dump. And of course, I'm the garbage man.

Here I am, staring down at my Chuck Taylors as every word escaping from the priest's lips seem like a eternity. Also staring down on the black cat shooed by everyone in this place of worship cuddling on my shoe. 

The cat purred as I move my shoe against his fur, not hurting him, just caressing his hair which digs so deep, that sometimes it's darkness blinding me. For the nth time I've been using the church as an escape from that old man which I can call as father, but not dad, this cat has always been in here. Pretty much owned by the church, but I don't think they're feeding him - his ribcage is visible. 

By the time the mass had finished, I walked home in the slowest pace my feet could handle. When I turned into the curb, I can see the yellow lights that should be escaping our window turned off. He's not there. I ran.

This is one of the times I get excited to go home, when Elliot(my father) is not around. It's doesn't feel like escaping, it doesn't feel like he's gonna see me doing anything he doesn't likes, it An 18 year old boy having trouble to be free, how pathetic.

And of course, I don't have a key in our own home so I climbed to my room where windows are always unlocked for situations like this.

It was still 5pm and I don't have a hint of when he's going back home so I began cleaning the living room, - which reeks of cigarette and alcohol as if those scents where painted together with the walls. 

I slumped on the couch after cleaning, browsed through channels, watching Tom and Jerry, Oggy and the cockroaches and even reaching porn channels Elliot had installled. My eyelids become feeling heavy and I can't sleep without him reaching here since there's no one to unlock the door in case he's drunk. I had that I'll-just-eat-whatever-I-have-here-and-oh-there's-cake kind of night, so yes, I ate cake for dinner.

After that I played Dungeon Quest on my phone reaching floor 56-76 before the clock striked 11 and the doorbell rang. I jolted up to my feet.

"Hey, welcome home." It's Elliot, half his shirt buttons where open and bite marks were visible, his arms were slung around the shoulders of another drunk lady who doesn't even looks half as good. I grimaced.

"What'rya doing here? Geddout." He said drunkily, ordering me to step out as him and the lady was walking in, swaying in all directions. 

This is the problem, maybe not a problem since it occurs almost everyday. Him with the ladies. Me steeping out from home. Me returning at dawn. And tomorrow's Monday, not enough sleep for school.

Felidae(Neko)(boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now