Chapter 14: Battle for San Angel

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Chakal and his bandits had everyone pinned down to the ground, rendering them helpless. Maria fought against the restraints, but it serves no use to break free. She doesn't want to give up just yet, because giving up is like she failed her sister again.

"Please, Chakal. Just don't hurt them." Joaquin pleaded, guilt-ridden of his failure to protect the town. What would Catalina think of--No!

"Yes. Yes!" Chakal raised the Medal of Everlasting Life in the air for everyone to see: the beginning of their end. "The medal is mine!"

The ground shook for a moment until a bright light burst from it, and Manolo punched the medal off from the Bandit King's hand. The blast of his arrival created a shockwave enough to knock everyone nearby off their feet. After Manolo lands, the light vanished to reveal him, alive and well.

Chakal is shocked. "What?!"

"Huh?" Joaquin looked surprised to see his friend alive, but where is his beloved?

"Bleh." Chuy dropped a green apple.

"Manolo?" Maria sees her true love offering his hand to her, and she takes it. It wasn't long till she got pulled into a passionate kiss.

Chakal is about to intervene, but Manolo flashes his 'one-minute' finger, making him angrier. He pulled away from the kiss and threw his guitar at Joaquin. "Hold this for me, amigo."

Joaquin caught the string instrument in time, still shocked about what just happened moments ago. His friend shot him a smile before facing Chakal.

"So, my father told me you hate bullfighters."

"I hate everybody." the Bandit King spat, earning chuckles and approvals from his bandit army.

Manolo pulls his sword from his back and rolls his shoulders. "Okay. Let's do this."

Chakal chuckled darkly. "You and what army."

The ground emits soft blue lights behind Manolo, Maria, and Joaquin, and the entire Sanchez family appeared. A deep blue light burst in front of them comes out the Goddess of Life with flower petals swirling around her. They fall once she landed perfectly. Catalina still looks like she was before becoming a goddess, but her face has blue tattoos with a heart on her forehead. The townspeople cheered.

"Catalina!" Joaquin rushed in to hug her tightly.

"Mi, amor." Catalina giggled, kissing his cheeks.

"It's the Day of the Dead, Manolo!" La Muerte yelled from the roof of the cathedral with Xibalba and Candlemaker.

"And on our day, we have a certain amount of..." Xibalba started, spreading his wings to block out Candlemaker.

"Leeway." his wife finished.

The Candlemaker moves Xibalba's wing away to see better. "Good luck!"

"Thank you!" Manolo shouted. He, Catalina, Joaquin, and Maria got themselves into fight positions with their swords ready. Chakal realized he is outnumbered, not to mention a goddess being amongst them.

"No retreat," Maria said their memorable line.

"No surrender!" Catalina, Joaquin, and Manolo ended it, and they line their swords together.

"He gonna do it now!" Anita, who is sitting on Carmelo's shoulder, grinned.

"Familia Sanchez!" Luis yelled, beginning the ultimate battle. The Battle for San Angel.


The battle against the Bandit King was fierce and full of adrenaline rush. Jorge and Carmelo managed to rid some of the bandits, releasing one of them holding the medal. It got constantly passed from person to person until it made its way toward Catalina.

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