Ask and Ye Shall Receive From The Author

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How are you doing so far during CO-VID 19?

It's kinda boring if you ask me. I don't get many people coming in at work, doing online classes is okay, but my mind is like, 'I need to do something.' When I noticed that The Beginning of The Life is still not completed, I have to get it done right away. It really helps to pass the time! X3

What does Catalina Posada look like in goddess form?

Check out Chapter 9. I pretty much tried my best to draw her form.

What was La Bendita inspired by?

Not only am I a die-hard Steven Universe fan, La Bendita (meaning "The Blessed" in Spanish), was inspired by Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz. It's possible that more details about her backstory could be revealed in the sequel due to Catalina wanting to know more about her.

What were Xibalba and La Muerte's Wager?

When Maria, Manolo, Catalina, and Joaquin were kids, La Muerte believed Catalina would fall for Manolo while Xibalba believed Maria would fall for Joaquin. You can already tell their awareness when they noticed Catalina started to fall in love with Joaquin and Manolo with Maria, leaving them most likely lose or tie. Xibalba, well, you can tell how desperate he wanted to win his side of the wager by involving his two-headed snake!

Will Joaquin and Catalina have kids?

Yes! They will have two boys and two girls beside Manolo and Maria's twin girls and a boy.

Will there be a sequel?

When the time comes.

What does El Chamuco's servant, Ezekiel, look like?

Ezekiel is a humanoid fire demon, who first appears in smol sprite form to help make himself look less scary to the new Goddess of Life. He can change himself in his normal form, being 7' 2", combed back black hair with devil horns, glowing orange eyes within his dark eye sockets, and being dressed in butler attire. The attire changes when he traveled to The Land of The Cursed, with some armor pieces applied to his shoulders, knees, and forearms.

What does the inhabitants of The Land of The Blessed look like? Do they look almost similar to those in The Remembered, but different?

Yes! The inhabitants dressed almost Aztec/Mayan fusion, with glowing green eyes in their sockets and little gold on their person. Some include flowers on their outfits since La Bendita is responsible for life, weather, and nature, for she sees the planet Earth very precious and must be protected.

Who is your favorite character from The Book of Life?

Oof, that's a tough question. Others would normally pick one or two, but my favorites are Maria, Manolo, Joaquin... AGH, I LOVE THEM ALL!

Where did you get the name "Catalina" from?

I can't tell if it's often heard, but I got the name from my mom. Yes, my mom. When she says her full name, Catalina is her middle name. I instantly love that name and decided to name my character as Maria's twin sister.

What is your favorite part of writing The Beginning of The Life?

My favorites are the "Day of the Dead", "The Corrida", "Goddess", "The Wager", "Battle of One's Worst Fear", "Battle for San Angel", and "Happily Ever After." Why? S O  M A N Y  R E A S O N S. *Sips tea* E X C I T E M E N T!

Why Catalina X Joaquin?

When I watched The Book of Life for the first time, I mean, we all know Joaquin is T H I R S T Y for Maria. If he didn't win Maria's love, then it would be sad he's not loved at all, but still, have the support from his friends. I feel that he needs to have a family of his own as well because his father died when he was very young and he may never know much about him. Soo, if I bring Catalina into the story, it's a win-win. Plus, I heard rumors from the director of the movie that Joaquin might fall for CHAKAL'S DAUGHTER, CHELA! *Hisses*

Since Catalina healed Joaquin's injured eye, will he still see oddities through that eye?

Yes! I couldn't resist the idea of him having that strange gift. I also couldn't help him wearing an eyepatch as well.

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