Chapter Twenty Three: Gonna be fun and sexy

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Lauren's P.O.V

I stopped by Taylor's house on my way to pick up Camila because she wanted to see me for my birthday before I leave. I have a feeling that Taylor knows that I was lying about who I was going with for the weekend. While I was on my way, I came up with a very good story without her realizing I was talking about Camila.

"You want a coffee or something?" She asked as we sat down in her sofa.
"No thanks. I need to leave pretty soon." I said

I was due to pick up Camila soon, I don't have enough time to drink coffee because we needed to get on the road before it gets too late.

"You picking up your friends in the way?" She asked smirking

Yes she knows for sure that I'm not going with my friends for the weekend

"Taylor what is it you really want to say to me?" I asked while letting out a little laugh
"Are you going with the girl that you mentioned last night?" She asked

I could tell her no, but there was no point. It was bad enough lying to her about this full Camila thing never mind adding it to the lies

"I knew it. Why won't you tell me who is this girl? Is she married or something?" She asked

A normal person would probably be offended by her saying that to them. I however was not because this isn't the first time I have been involved with a married woman and I kinda understand why Taylor would ask me that

"No, she isn't married Tay." I laughed "and I'm not telling you cause it's early these days that's why. If it goes anywhere then things would be different." I added

I know it's only a sexual thing between Camila and I, but you never know what's going to happen in the future if her and I were to become more, which there is a very slim chance of happening. We would need to tell Taylor and I honestly don't know how that would go down, I'm assuming not very well. She would hate me and her friendship with Camila would fall out which is another reason this was a bad idea from the start, but no matter how hard we try Camila and I can't stay away from each other. I'm beginning to think we have an unhealthy addiction to one another and that could never end well for anyone

"Fine, fine be that way." She pouted sticking her tongue out at me

I laughed at her. Taylor could be childish sometimes when she doesn't get her own way, that is how she is though, but she is one of the sweetest souls you will ever meet, after everything our family has been through. What happened with us losing our parents, made her appreciate life, treat people the best way she can while when it came to me I did the opposite. It made me close off and treat everyone like crap, except Camila. I wish I did the same thing as Taylor did. There is a lot that Taylor doesn't know about me and what I did after losing our parents and it's better if it stays this way.

"Well Taylor, I should go. Call me if you need anything and I will come right back okay?" I said
"I will be fine Laur. I have Niall's number." She laughed

Taylor walked me to the door, telling me to enjoy myself. We said our goodbyes and I love you's before leaving. I was feeling guilty driving away from her house and going to pick up Camila, but I can't keep thinking about that or our weekend would be a mess. I pulled up outside her apartment to make sure she was ready because when I talked to her last time, it seems like she still wasn't ready. I knocked on the front door before coming inside

"Camz, you better be ready or else I'm leaving without you." I said laughing
"I'll be out in two minutes. Sure you can go without me, but I can guarantee you will not have fun being all alone." She called back
Yeah you're probably right." I called back

Thankfully she never took long to come through. She was carrying small suitcases and it looks like she's ready to go. She smiled up at me

"I'm ready to get on the road, I told you I'll only by two minutes." She said proudly

I headed over, taking the suitcase she was carrying, leaned in and kissed her lips softly. I pulled away soon when I realized what I've done. I don't usually greet her with a kiss like that, well unless it's ending up with sex. I watched her fight a smirk and gave her ass a a slap

"Get you fine sexy ass out the door." I said

Camila giggled and headed out for the door and I followed her. She locked the door behind me and I placed my hand on the small of my back guiding her to my car. I opened the door for her, pretending to be a gentlewoman for like two seconds, but she knew that was not me and shooed me away from her giggling.

"I hope you bought that sexy little lingerie I bought for you?" I said before closing the door behind her.
"Maybe I did...maybe I didn't. You will need to wait and see for yourself won't you?" She said winking at me

I knew that meant yes and I couldn't wait for the show

"I'll take that as a yes." I smirked "Mmm I can't wait to get you all by myself." I added placing my hand on her leg, rubbing her thigh

Camila let out a small moan, nodding her head. She and I were soon in the road going to our destination. She was away in a world of her own as I drove, watching the world go by. She was deep in her thought as I let her be. I was wondering what she was thinking about, but decided against it. I turned on the radio low to have some sound in the car. I was hoping that the entire drive wasn't like this

"Can we stop for a coffee and a snack? I barely ate anything today cause I have been busy packing." She said randomly
"Yeah sure there is a gas station somewhere a couple of miles up. You okay? You seem to get lost there?" I asked
"Okay and no I'm fine. I was enjoying the world fly by." She smiled

I wasn't that sure if she was telling the truth, but if she doesn't want to tell me then she doesn't have to and that's completely fine. She doesn't have to tell anything. I was excited for our weekend together, I knew it was gonna be fun and sexy and we could stop worrying about things for the next couple of days.


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