Thirty Five: Jealousy, Want, and Lies

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Lauren's P.O.V

I was enjoying my "date" with Camila. Though the phone constantly keep vibrating in my pocket was doing my head in. I knew who keep texting me, it was Vero, the girl I was meant to be meeting in Vegas, she comes into town every six months and we usually hook up for the weekend. I met her when I was working away three years ago in London, her father owns a couple of casinos in Vegas, that's why she vacates there twice a year. She was a wild party girl that was up for anything, could get anything she wanted and I am always right with her. I told Camila I was going with Normani, Dinah, and Alexa which was part of the truth, there was a few of us going, let out the part about Vero since I promised her I wasn't gonna hook up with anyone else. I was close to going, but then at the last minute, I decided against it. To say Vero was not amused was an understatement, the girl was crazy and I have always knew that, but I had no complaints when that crazy came out when we were fucking. Anyway hence why I ask Camila on a date, I felt guilty. Camila has excused herself to go the bathroom, and I took that as an opportunity to check my phone. I had two missed calls and three texts from Vero

Vero: I can't believe you changed your fucking mind!!! We are done, don't ever call me again
Vero: Come on baby, I know you wanna come here and fuck me. I know you love fucking me
Vero: Fine! I will find someone else to fuck! Jackass, I am done with you.

As I said the woman was a little crazy. I deleted the texts, putting my phone on silent, and Camila soon joining me again.

"Everything okay?" She asked as we sat down
"Yeah fine. You want anything else to eat?" I asked
"Are you joking? Did you see what I ate?" She laughed
"Yeah I had enough too. Wanna go somewhere to drink?" I ask
"Sounds good." She smiled

I paid the bill, leaving a tip before the two of us headed out. I see she was chittering slightly. She should've bought her coat with her. Though this girl never listens to me. I chuckled, taking my jacket off, and placing it over her shoulders. She looked back at me, taking back what by what I done

"Um...thanks." She said smiling

Why is me giving her my coat such a shock? I ain't a complete ass. I laughed at her reaction I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, pulling her into as we walked around, deciding what bar we should go to. We decided on one that we knew no one we know would go to. Decided on shamrocks, it was a bit more upmarket, not our usual kind of place, but the saver option for us. I held her close to me as we headed inside, the place was pretty quiet, enough people to keep the staff busy, but not busy enough they will be running on their feet. The two of us found a table in the corner, out of everyone's way. I headed to the bar to get us a drink, checking my phone again another two texts from Vero. She was starting to piss me off, why can't she get the hint?

Vero: Come on baby, I have missed you being inside of me
Vero: Maybe this will can get your mind

The second text had a photo attached to it, a very naked photo. I swallowed hard as I looked at it. I forgot how damn sexy that woman was, her body was banging. I gave myself a shake, putting my phone away before I ended up jumping in the next flight to Vegas. No ain't going to do that, I don't need Vero, yes she fucks very well, but again she has nothing on Camila. I placed our orders with the bartender, decided to turn off my phone entirely. I paid for the drinks, heading back over to where I left Camila, but she wasn't alone though. She had two guys chatting her up, I clenched my jaw not enjoying seeing this. I was jealous and I hear her giggle. She was enjoying the attention? Is she fucking serious? I made my way over, pushing by them, and standing in front of them.

"You can go now." I hissed at them

They never argued instead they walked away. Just as well for their own sake. I can get mean when I get jealous. I slipped in next to Camila, handing her drink to her

"Who the fuck were they Camz?" I said annoyed looking at her
"Two guys who had the most terrible pick up lines." She said
"You seemed to be enjoying it." I said through my gritted teeth

I saw a smirk creep up on her lips, no words coming from her lips as she took a sip of her cocktail

"Why are you smirking?" I asked confused
"You were jealous seeing the other guys talking to me." She said
"I was not." I said
"You are. Admit it Lauren, you were jealous." She repeated, smirking

I decided there was no point arguing with her

"Yes I was okay? Is that what you wanna hear?" I said laughing
"Yes it really was." She giggled

Camila leaned in, kissing me quickly before getting back to her drink. She really was something else this one. As she sip her drink, she slipped her hand in, placing it on my thigh, rubbing at it, getting close a little close to my crotch. I took a sharp breath in, but she was quick to pull her hand away. She was teasing me

"Don't worry babe, the only plan I have is going home with you." She whispered in my ear
"Oh, I know that, no need to tell me that. You're mine baby, anyone else tries to come near you tonight I may punch them." I growled at her, my possessive side coming out a little.

By the look on her face, she liked this side of me, she looked turn on by what I said. Camila grabbed my t shirt, pulling my face into her, and crashed her lips against mine. She kissed me roughly, forcing her tongue into my mouth. I turned to my side, needing a better access to her lips. I ran my hand up her bare leg, slipping it under her dress going towards between her legs, but she grabbed my hand, stopping me and pulling away from the kiss.

"I ain't so thirty anymore. Take me home and fuck me Lauren, right now." She growled, grabbing my bulge in her hand, making me hiss

I quickly pulled away, getting to my feet, grabbing her hand, and practically dragging her out of the bar. I was in need of fucking right now, it has been a few days after all. My plan was tonight to try get through one date without us fucking, but let's face it, when it comes to her, that ain't never gonna happen. I want her too much...want her body too much for that to happen. I ain't ashamed of it and she sure does not seem to have any complaints about the full thing


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