III | Hourglass Of Encounters

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H o u r g l a s s O f E n c o u n t e r s


Matsuyuki Mashiro's p. o. v

About a year and a half

I sat on the edge of a cliff, staring at the view as I thought about everything I've been through in this personal mission.

Then I felt the familiar presences of two beloved people. I smiled slightly behind the mask as I kind of knew the words they were trying to say to me.

Take care of Tanjiro...

I stood up, tilting my head to the sky, as I smirked and flew off the cliff leaving them a message...

"... He was already in good hands."

~ • ~

Third p. o. v

"... She already knew."

"We didn't need to tell her twice after all."

"You should've told her what you truly wanted to say..."

"Now's not the time... At least not now."

"Either way, she has to know... Or else you'll be leaving her in the dust for eternity."


~ • ~

Currently, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Tamayo, and Yushiro was in a slight pinch with two demons under the command of Kibutsuji Muzan.

"Not enough... More... Suffer more!" The male demon named Yahaba gritted his teeth as he slowly faded into ash, using all his power to take Tanjiro with him to death.

Tanjiro struggled as he performed his Breath of Water styles as arrows dragged him everywhere in the air. He needed to last long... Long enough until Yahaba fully turned into ash. Tanjiro was running out of breath, his lungs hurts, his arms felt as if they could break away from his body any moment, yet he did everything he could to save his life from dying. He didn't want to die yet, not until he can reverse Nezuko back into a human.

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