XXIII | Healing Butterflies

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H e a l i n g B u t t e r f l i e s


Third p. o. v

The door to Mashiro's recovery room opened where said person laid heavily injured on her bed. Footsteps closed in to her and stopped by the right side. They grabbed a chair and settled down, eyes not leaving her rarely revealed bare face. They took her left hand and softly gripped it as if they were afraid to break her even further but they didn't want to let go...

Not again.

Even after trying to make her promise that she should stay safe... always.

"I know you didn't promise me before, but... at least give me hope that I will still see you in years to come..."

Their hand reached out to caress her cheek,

"... Please, at least, don't upset Sabito and Makimo anymore."

~ • ~

"Has she awoken yet?"

"No, unfortunately..." Hiroto answered sullenly whilst resting his hand on top of his master's.

"I see..." Tanjiro bowed his head down slightly, not too enthralled at the fact he could have been there to sustain at least some of Mashiro's injuries.

There was a moment of silence before Tanjiro spoke once more,

"Some of the mizunotos Mashiro was training came by earlier- they had delivered a few gifts... which were all food though." Tanjiro sweat-dropped and chuckled lightly along with Hiroto who only kept staring at Mashiro's beaten but still defined face.

"Well you can't push them away... They're too devoted to her after all they recognised all the care she had given them. From training to moving out her way to buy them clothes whenever their uniform needed washing..." Hiroto's eyes wandered from Mashiro's face to her hand which he was holding, remembering when Mashiro had gave him her hand that settled he was under her care-

Her protection.

"I would like to say that visiting hours are over and good young boys should go to sleep early." Kocho Shinobu announced, disrupting the peace the two boys had comfortably settled with, "I know you two really miss her and want her to wake up but I'm pretty sure you both know that she will worry about you more than herself."

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