XVI | Evocative Dewdrops

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E v o c a t i v e D e w d r o p s


Third p. o. v

It was raining. The space around the two was blurry but them.

"I deeply apologise, Mashiro. Please. Forgive me..." Kyojuro whispered though loud enough for the said girl to hear.

The snow haired girl shook her head, her expression was unknown to the world as it was under a mask. She was knelt on her knees, her back facing Kyojuro.

"... It's not your fault. Don't worry..." Mashiro mumbled, barely audible. The sight before her made her feel nothing, physically and emotionally.

"... I wasn't able to make it on time." Kyojuro carried on.

"... I know."

"... Even though you disliked me, you trusted me... I broke that trust."

"Because it was you I trusted you... Besides, he quite liked you too..." The girl's voice was steady, the tone didn't seem as different from her usual, except the vibe given was of much unsettling.

The sight and her words brought tears to Kyojuro's eyes.

"... After all, I couldn't hate you."

In a blink, Kyojuro's arms were wrapped around her form, her back pressed against his toned chest. He cried silently as he felt Mashiro's arms wrap tighter around a bloodied young boy who looked the age of 10. The blonde Hashira knew. He knew Mashiro was incapable of expressing emotions. He knew what that meant, which led him to utter these comforting words to her.

"I'll cry for you..."

~ • ~

Familiar sun-like eyes scanned the room before blinking a couple of times to adjust to the light. It was sunset but the sun still shone bright at the corner of the girl's eyes. She felt tied down but felt refreshed. She twitched her fingers to gain the feeling back and noticed the familiar feeling of skin in contact to her hand, grasping it tightly.

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