XXIV | Flowers Wrapped In Ribbons

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F l o w e r s  W r a p p e d  I n  R i b b o n s


Third Person p. o. v

There was a young boy she had visited many times.

He was so frail and fragile like glass and he was barely protected...

Yet he survived the harshest weathers and the creatures who hunt in the night.

It was just pure luck he had not died—

Well, until one incident.

One incident she overlooked, one incident she thought wasn't going to happen—

One incident she relied too much on his luck.

His ending wasn't the best— it was cruel. But despite this, his life was better because of her.

Her— the one who barely showed emotions, showed care because it was what she was taught.


It was one fine day with the sun setting— it was beautiful... Too beautiful as if it was a compelling entrance to heaven—

But nights were hell.

A young boy called Natsuhiko was frail. He was abandoned, left alone, deserted to survive by himself with such a glass-like body.

But he proved everyone wrong,

But was still denied by society.

So he resided in an abandoned house. He didn't try to repair the house because of his health, but at the same time, it was beneficial to him as it was left alone by demons who thought the abandoned house contained no humans inside.

Natsuhiko smelled nothing nice. He hadn't showered for a long time— he was dirty, he was filthy. But he managed to find food by nearby bushes as there were many berries amongst them.

Like I said— he was lucky.

For a while he lived like this— he was just thirteen years old when he met her.

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