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the girl walked into the dollar store looking for one thing; pencil sharpeners. she would buy them, take them home, take out the screws, throw out the plastic covering and keep the blades. she will then clean the blades and use them when she needed.

the girl found the pencil sharpeners by the school supply section. she grabbed a packet of 20 small ones, and 1 large one. she then went up to the counter.

behind the counter was a tall blonde boy with electric blue eyes and a lip ring. he had a name tag that said "luke". the girl placed the pencil sharpeners on the counter and pulled out her wallet. the boy just stood and looked at her.

"what?" she asked.

"a pack of pencil sharpeners?"

"yes, im an artist."

"im not going to let you buy these."

"why not blondie?"

"because youre too beautiful."

they looked at each other skeptically. how did the boy know? did he actually know? she wondered.

"i told you i am an artist."

"no youre not."

"yes, i am."

she was obviously lying, and he knew it.

pencil sharpeners《luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now