Chapter 5 | The Warming Hut | Part 1

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     The next day dawned a little warmer, the sun shining through autumnal winds. Nora secured her hair in a ponytail, a style she usually reserved for work, then changed her mind and brushed it loose over her neck and shoulders. She zipped a lightweight fleece over a long-sleeved top, paying attention to the earrings she wore, making sure they didn't snag on anything. Next, a pretty pink lip-gloss. After some thought, she put on the sexy, hip hat. It seemed to bring her good luck.

Theo had asked her to join him on a dog-walking adventure again, this time to the beach. He pulled up in front of her building in a blue hybrid Ford Escape. Her heartbeat sped up as he gave her that half-grin. He hadn't shaved, and his five o'clock shadow covered up the scar on his chin, which she'd become more and more drawn to. He looked handsome, ruggedly so. And a bit aloof. After his initial smile, he didn't really look her in the eye. They loaded Bart into the back of his car where Pumpkin waited. The conversation remained pleasant as they drove over the city hills northwest to Crissy Field in the Presidio. The carefully maintained path wended along the bay, and a small wetlands attracted egrets, herons, loons, and pelicans, as well as the standard seagulls that could be counted on to act boldly around picnic coolers. Dogs and toddlers braved the chilly waters where the fresh waters of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers met the San Francisco Bay and the salty, vast Pacific Ocean.

Theo, Nora, and Pumpkin walked along the beach while Bart, acting like he was five years younger, lunged into the water after a tennis ball. Nora and Theo took turns retrieving it with Chuck-it sticks. Theo was starting to warm up, too, becoming looser, more relaxed. Perhaps he just needs coffee or to be out in the fresh air, she thought.

"Look at him go!" Theo laughed each time Bart shook water droplets from his coat, dousing their jeans.

"He's a typical lab." Nora wiped water from her sunglasses with the hem of her shirt. "Loves the water. The water and kibble. It's a simple life he leads."

"I'd take that life."

"Me too. I'm glad you like dogs." Was that a weird thing to say? I'm glad you like dogs. Why couldn't she be a smooth talker?

"I love all kinds of critters," Theo said. "When I was a kid, I wanted to be one of those guys who rides on the back of a killer whale at SeaWorld."

"And yesterday you were going to be a lawyer."

Theo nodded and gave her a sideways look she was beginning to look forward to. It hadn't yet failed to make her stomach yo-yo. "I know. It's obvious I need help."

"So why not work at SeaWorld?"

"Well, when I grew up and learned more about it, I decided all of those theme parks that force animals like that into servitude should be shut down. Kind of put a damper on my career plans."

"I can see how it would. And now? Now that you've grown up?"

"Who says I've grown up?" Theo grimaced but turned it into a short laugh. "I'm starving. What about you?"

Change of subject. She wouldn't push. "There's the Warming Hut about a half-mile from here."

"The what?"

"The Warming Hut. It's kind of a chi-chi café and gift shop, but they have amazing soups and really good cookies."

"What are we waiting for? Race you." Theo took off at a very slow trot and Nora, who in fact despised running, followed. Her reward was the amusing display of a scampering Pumpkin trying to keep up, his breath coming out in ragged Pomeranian sneezes. Bart surged ahead, looking over his shoulder now and then to check on them, tongue out.

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