4. Professional Griefers

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The next morning, Brendon is seen waking up to a foot in his face. As he slowly widens his eyes, the black haired man pushes the foot away. In doing so, it leads him to end up on the floor, on top of a soft surface. Groaning, Brendon rolls off the surface and onto the carpeted floor to only realized he had fallen ontop of Gerard.

Groaning, Gerard lifts up his head to glare at Brendon. "That was fuckin' rude, dude." The red head groaned.

"My bad bro." He replies, stumbling to stand up. Looking towards the couch he found the culprit of the foot, or rather, he should say, feet. On the couch, Tyler and Josh lay cuddled against each other, sound asleep. Gerard laughs at the trio before plopping onto the couch. Effectively waking them both up, looking at each other for a minute, they scrambled to get away from one another.

Around the room, the various band members wake up in odd places. Pete, along with Dallon and Andy, awake from the floor, covered in party decorations. From the second sofa, Patrick, Ray, and Joe awake, groggily mumbling to themselves. Over towards the kitchen, ontop of the dinning table, lays a half awake Frank with a party hat a top his head. Mikey was peacefully sitting on the chair, in the living room, sipping on coffee.

Looking at his phone, Mikey breaks the quite atmosphere. "Good afternoon, sleepy heads."

Taking his phone out of his back pocket, Brendon checks the time. '1:30pm.' Sighing, he pocketed his phone, going to rub his face, he groans. "What happened last night?"

"Well." Frank starts, "After I ran out with Dakota, we ended back here as you yelled 'Let's celebrate, mother fuckers!' We all ended up getting shit faced drunk and passing out here, I don't remember the details or how I ended up on your dinning room table. I learned not to question things." He lifted his hand, ending his sentence with a matter of fact tone.

"Speaking of the teen, where is she? Did she even stay for the party?" Pete asks from his spot the floor.

Moments later everyone hears the coffee table move with a thud, followed by a soft groan. A hand appears out from under the coffee table, grabbing the nearest thing, which was Tyler's caff.

Tyler screamed out, as a mess of auburn appeared out from under the table. Wearing a party hat, Dakota emerges from under the table, letting go of Tyler's leg, she sits up.

"Found her." Gerard comments.

Scanning her surroundings, with her dull Hazel eyes, Dakota snorts before falling backwards onto the floor. "Y'all are some craaaazzzyyyy fuckers." She mumbles out.

The comment cause some to chuckle and others to smile.

It's been about a month since Dakota met Brendon and the other bands. Over the past month, she had done her research about their bands, even listening to their music. To say she liked their songs was an understatement. At one point, she went to the recording studio with panic! Brendon wanted to show her some new songs for their album, 'Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die!' So far her favorite song from the album was 'This Is Gospel.' That was over a week ago.

Dakota, right now, was found in her room. She sat in a chair, in front of a keyboard that had stickers and paint splatters along the sides. The familiar tune of 'Love of my Life' by Queen danced around the room in a sad but beautiful melody.

"Love of my life, you've hurt me"

Patrick stopped on the side walk when he heard a feminine voice start singing. He listened to the melody play out.

"You've broken my heart and now you leave me"

He followed the broken melody to a small house, he noticed a side window open. He was hesitant, but once he heard the sound of the piano stop and a electric guitar pick it back up. He had his mind set.

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