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Hello, it's dreamperfection (again) ^^

Although I just finished writing Here I Lie, I had the strong urge to continue writing and since this idea has been going around in my head (especially after seeing them playing the shooting game backstage at the soribada awards in suits), I decided to write this. Originally I wanted to write a full spy!au but I figured that I wanted to try this concept instead; where they appear to only be normal young men on the outside but they undertake different identities in secret.

This story won't be the full on dark-and-gloomy kind of story, since I will still write about them living their normal lives. I will also be using fictional names for the places found in this story - there will be no references to actual places.

I will try to make the story as authentic as possible, but since I'm still new to this concept, there might be some scenes which are unrealistic and I may not be familiar with all the terminologies. All scenes in this story are at the very best fictitious, and in no way reflect how ateez acts in real life.

!!! This story contains descriptions of sensitive themes, death, blood, violence and mild language. Please note that for the sake of this story, I won't delve into the morals involved with the characters. !!!

I just simply can't get the idea out of my head and the only way to cut it off is to write it down lol

Let's just say this story will probably be very chaotic,,,,,, as chaotic as ateez

I can't promise regular updates since I'll probably be busy with uni, but I will find the time to write and (I hope) I won't abandon this story. I just need a longer time to update. With that, I hope that you enjoy this story! Your support means a lot to me and your feedback is very much appreciated <3

Hope you have/had/are having a nice day!

Alternative cover by HONGMAMON

Alternative cover by HONGMAMON

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