64 [fireworks]

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Director Na Daehee curls her lips into a mocking smile, walking down the stairs followed by the others behind her as they trace their movements with their weapons. She shrugs as she positions herself in front of Han Byul, reaching out a hand to inspect her face. She narrows her eyes when Byul doesn't resist, even when her sharp nails are digging into the skin on her cheeks as she clamps her fingers around the latter's face.

"Not scared of death are you, pretty one?" she asks, pushing away Byul's face as she releases her grip. "You really think 5 people will be enough to go against all of us? You have no idea what you're going against."

"We aren't scared of death," Byul mentions as she steps back, resting her rifle against her shoulder as she aims yet again. "When I've experienced that twice, another one should be nothing."

"Oh?" she chortles. "How brave. 5 against 10, someone who knows all your tricks and skills, someone who has trained you. Doesn't sound like a smart move."

Seonghwa nods to Hongjoong and San, before he fishes out a canister and throws it among the directors and trainers, immediately pulling back his team members as gas starts to escape, blinding them momentarily. They take this opportunity to whip out their weapons, scattering around as they find their opponents.

Their battleground is only in the training centre, so they can't run away anywhere. It's where they start, and it's where they'll end.

Hongjoong goes for two of the trainers, preferring to go in bare-handed as he charges at them, knowing that they are ones who prefer to fight without weapons. They swing their hands simultaneously to aim for his body, but he uses San as leverage to launch himself up, sending kicks to their faces but they remain rigid.

Seonghwa and Yeosang result in exchanging flying bullets with their opponents, ducking and hiding behind structures as they train their eyes to find the right target. Their targets are moving all over the place, making it hard for them to focus on one as they shoot, giving no chance for rest as they continue firing. In their magazines go, the empty bullet casings falling to the floor with a distinct clink, but it still doesn't hamper down their opponents.

San is pinned down to the floor by two of the trainers, with him thrashing about as he opens his jaw and bites down hard on one of their arms. He escapes from their grip, and before they can register what's going on he somersaults before battering their bodies with his kicks. It doesn't prove to be effective as they stay well on their feet, taking in the hits like they're merely being rained with water.

Without being able to see what's coming, Byul's rifle gets knocked out of her hand as a bullet hits her shoulder fired by Daehee as she chortles, pushing back the former with her fist. Byul collapses to the ground, clutching on to her wounded shoulder. She reaches out for the rifle but it's out of her reach, and the director presses her foot on her arm.

"Still wanting to go against us? Look around you, idiots. You can't even get past us and you think that you'll be able to take down this whole complex? How foolish of you to think that you'll be able to walk all over us." she spits. "Look at your friends. They're only tiring themselves."

Byul lifts up her head to see what the director meant and it's true; Seonghwa and Yeosang have been running around showering their bullets but barely anything hit while they sustain injuries, Hongjoong is currently going against three of them but he's not showing any signs of emerging as the winner while San is being held back, surrounded by another three. As the pain in her shoulder becomes more pronounced, she grits her teeth and bumps her head against the floor.

What were we thinking, when they know all about us? They trained us, honed our skills. Foolish, foolish, foolish. But that's why we're here; not to win but to die together with them. In exchange for the disappearance of KTC.

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