2 [threat]

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Seonghwa does what his instincts tell him to do first; he kills off the ignition of his car - wouldn't want anyone to steal it while they're out chasing the mugger. He motions to San and the latter nods his head, understanding between them passed without any verbal communication. San is out of the car, and he returns his gaze to the side mirror, following every step the mugger puts down on the pavement as he bolts with the purse.

The mugger's strides are getting bigger, his body language more frantic as the old lady has started to cry out for help from others. Looks like he still doesn't realize that there is already a car stopped by the road, simply waiting for him to get closer, so that the driver can get a good aim. Distance shortened to five metres, then four, three, two... one metre and his eyes are still focused on the far point, completely oblivious to the car door that has been cracked open slightly.

Seonghwa grips the door handle, sucking in a deep breath as he extends his arm, widening the car door - the mugger doesn't have the opportunity to slow himself down as he plants facefirst into the window of the car door, bumping with such force that the driver is surprised the door is still holding on to its hinges. The latter bounces back onto the pavement, slapping a hand onto his bruised forehead, but still, he doesn't let go of his loot. He scoots back to get away from Seonghwa's one foot outside, then scrambles to get back up. Instead of his original direction, he makes off to the opposite one, opening big steps towards the old lady tended by San.

"Tsk, I'm going to make him pay for ruining my car," Seonghwa mutters before increasing his voice, "Choi San, get his ass back here before I do!"

San, holding on to the old lady who is sitting on the ground, does a salute to him. "Yes sir!" he shouts as the mugger, who is screaming like a madman, zips past them. Ways to not attract public attention, lesson one. He lets go of the old lady, saying that Seonghwa will come over to attend and help her. Then he heaves himself up, tucks a piece of stray hair behind his ear and exhales. From afar, he sees the mugger has already crossed the road, putting his life on the line as a few vehicles slam their breaks in an effort to avoid running over him. Blares of horns fill the air, blending in with the morning chirps of birds and wisps of fog enveloping the concrete buildings.

He doesn't go towards the mugger blindly; he crosses the road first then he dives into an alley, making guesses on where the mugger is heading based on the layout of the district. They are located at a small district that boasts an array of nondescript alleys, a perfect place to hide a body - either your own or someone else's. Stray cats and dogs look for food in the dumpsters, working in perfect harmony as they scavenge for some bite. Rats scurry past making sounds that grind his gears. He is used to the stench wafting in the air that he wonders whether he still has his olfactory nerves or maybe he has grown to get accustomed to it. He tries to remember every nook and cranny of the district, wishing to himself that he has the contact lens Yeosang developed for them, able to project a screen in front of them as a guide.

He hears the unmistakeable sound of the mugger's voice shouting in pain followed by something metal rolling on the asphalt road; he guesses that he has bumped into a metal trashcan on the alley next to the one he's at. Looking around to make sure that he's alone and that nobody will witness what he's about to do, he uses a ground floor's window ledge as leverage before jumping up and catching the emergency ladder of the second floor flat. He works his way up quickly, already running across the roof of the three-storey building before he even manages to take another round of breath.

"And I thought today would be just a normal day of pulling hair and grabbing groceries," he complains to no one in particular.

He looks once down and prays to the skies once before jumping off the building, fixing his position mid-air to minimize the impact as he slides down on the awning roof of a small pizza parlour. He takes both the customers under the awning and the mugger by surprise; a teenage girl gasps, drops her pizza slice as he slides downwards and lands a satisfying roundhouse kick on the mugger's face. He bends down to pick up the purse, shakes his head before waving a hand to the customers at the restaurant, saying that he's only dealing with a thief. They return to their food cautiously, eyeing them from the corner of their eyes.

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