17 [shoot]

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Yeosang positions himself in front of the computer, Hongjoong monitoring beside him as he powers up the device, flashing his eyes against the scanner to unlock it. The dark room lights up from the multiple screens surrounding him, and he cracks his knuckles as he lays his fingers on the transparent glass beneath the screens. A keyboard appears beneath his fingers, allowing him to provide input on the screen.

He puts on his headset before he speaks into the microphone, "Corgi can you hear me?"

A shuffle comes from behind him before a reply crackles into his earpiece, "Of course I can, you blockhead. I'm right behind you; I haven't left for the field."

Hongjoong glares at the two friends who have stupid smiles on their faces, clearly enjoying their bickering with each other.

Wooyoung appears beside Yeosang and whispers closely into his ears, "I'm now beside you, honey."

Yeosang pulls back and slaps a hand on Wooyoung's cheek before shouting, both towards the person and into his microphone for good measures, "Don't do that again, you creep or I'll karate you to mars and back."

He turns back to his monitor, the details of their potential victim, place of future crime scene and layout of the route the field agent is about to take displayed on the screen.

Wooyoung's eyes flick across the screen, taking in the details in mere seconds before nodding his head and zipping up his tracksuit. He takes out a hairtie from his pocket, bites it, gathers the upper part of his hair and ties it. His earrings sway, glinting in the light as he swings his head to salute to their captain.

"Corgi's ready to take down the target. Will be reporting back to you, Minion," he winks. He plants a kiss on Yeosang's cheek, to which the latter screams in horror and is quick to wipe it off, "You too, Statue. Don't miss me too much."

"Don't be too cocky," Yeosang says. "Ugh, I hate my codename. It was all your fault."

"Always be alert at all times and make sure you do it cleanly. No traces," Hongjoong reminds him.

Wooyoung gives him a slight nod before he enters a long hallway that will lead him to their weaponry room, where he'll equip himself for this mission. His shoes make no sound as he arrives at the room, the multiple weapons they keep arranged neatly on the walls and in drawers built specifically for them.

He goes straight for his favourite choice of weapon, hung beside Seonghwa's. He takes down the bolt-action rifle and stuffs it inside a duffel bag fit for the weapon, caressing it once like it's his baby before zipping it up. He lifts it up, exits the room as he enters another hallway, this time heading completely opposite of the direction he came from.

Their headquarters was purposely built to resemble a maze, made to confuse people who aren't familiar with it. It's connected to the building that houses their cafe and dorm via a route that people might not see the first time they pass it by, or even after multiple times. It's unconventional, but also the perfect place to hide an entrance to the other side of their world.

Hidden carefully behind the washing machine at their dorm, the entrance can lead them to a set of stairs that goes down, down, down below, until they reach their headquarters that is located underground.

Once they are out to carry their mission, they will follow a long pathway that will lead them to a warehouse behind the cafe building, nestled deep underground among the dense forest. It's where they keep their vehicles reserved only for their missions.

Since he's only going alone, he'll be opting for a motorbike. Easier to escape, makes him look cool. Win-win.

He feels the shape of his rifle resting against his back and he powers up the engine, tuning up the accelerator before he starts moving. He taps on his earpiece, a motion done as if he could signal to Yeosang on the other line.

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