29 [smoke]

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Yesterday felt like a dream; this morning felt like a dream. It never felt real, which could explain why she woke up in a state of confusion. Did it really happen; the news about the sudden murder of Yoon Daewon, her fainting not long after and the personal talk she had with Hongjoong?

She didn't even remember how she went back to her room after her conversation with him. She seems to have drifted off to sleep again on the platform, protected by the full moon and the scattered stars. Everything felt unreal, accompanied by her racing thoughts and it ended with her waking up in her room, tucked in under - much to her relief - a blanket that doesn't smell like it was fermented.

Did Hongjoong really just...?

She shakes her head at the thought, feeling silly for even thinking about it, slapping her hands to her cheeks to scare the blush away. Maybe she did walk back to her room with her two feet but she forgot about it or she was too drowsy. In all her life she had never been surrounded by too many men her age that seemed to make her flustered every time they do something remotely simple.

"I really am a lonely potato aren't I? Thinking about all this stuff when they're probably just being nice. Stop it, Han Byul!" she scolds herself, putting a finger at a distance in front of her nose until she looks at it cross-eyed. "This is real life, not some unrealistic drama."

She tidies up the mattress and blanket, folding them neatly at one corner of the room. The clothes she bought yesterday were still in their bags because she had no time to take them out when they returned to the dorm. She feels like she wants to laugh the moment her eyes land on the transparent box, but her mouth is tugged downwards at the sight of the opaque box beside it. She should have buried it deep somewhere in the room, just like how she did back in her flat; she doesn't even know what made her to ask Jongho to bring it back.

What made her change her mind?

It has been three days since her supposed 'death', but they had to confiscate her handphone and had bought a new one since they didn't want anything that could track back to her. She doubts she would receive any notification from anybody on her old phone anyway.

Nobody would notice that she had disappeared, and truthfully - although it hurts - that makes it easier for her. She doesn't own any social media accounts because she lacks the excitement of sharing anything with people online; the only use of her phone is to call, message, probably do some reading and watch some dramas anonymously online. Even her contacts aren't that extensive.

Her life has been very bland, dedicating her life to studying that caused her to drown in debt. She keeps mostly to herself, not even having a single friendship that could last a lifetime. It could be because she could find no one that could click with her, or maybe she is the one pushing them away because she just wants to live a quiet, unmarked life. Her life goal isn't very ambitious; it's to work in a lab, secluded from others and minding her own business.

Would my life be different if I didn't make that choice? But would it be for the better or worse?

The numbers on her phone screen flips to show that it's already 7:30 a.m. and again, she feels embarrassed for not waking up on time. She's sure that the rest of the occupants have woken up and gotten ready for the day; when she was still sleeping on the mattress, mind blank. She tries to take a glimpse through the gap under the door to catch any moving shadows, but find none and soon realizes that it's quiet - too quiet for the group named ATEEZ.

A calm morning? Something's definitely up.

Without thinking, she swings the door open, revealing herself wearing yesterday's clothes to anyone who would be at the living room. The whole area is deserted; she can't even spot Hwayoung anywhere. She steps out of the room and freaks out when someone suddenly rises from behind the sofa, holding a butterfly-shaped pin in his hand.

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