19 [break]

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Both of them scout the said flat from afar, passing the binoculars back and forth as they lie low on the roof of a building opposite Byul's student flat. The flat is a typical building that is usually rented out to students who have minimal or no income. The facilities provided are on par with the rent that you pay; you won't expect much peace and privacy anyway with the thin walls and flimsy locks. The bathrooms and kitchen are shared among the residents.

The only time you could actually be alone is when you stay in your room, your books spread on the wooden table and you are thumping crazily on the wall to remind your next door neighbour to be quiet with their boyfriends or girlfriends.

Not the best place to study, but at least Byul managed to graduate.

San takes the binoculars from Jongho, alternating between observing the car Maddox is in and Byul's unit. He can't see the interior of her house from where they are, because she has made sure that she had pulled the curtains in. Some of the others aren't being so subtle in what they're doing in their own rooms, the curtains pulled apart in broad daylight. He quickly keeps the binoculars when he sees something that'd definitely cause a misunderstanding if he's caught.

Jongho must have seen how flustered he is because he asks, "What did you see? Did Maddox make a move?" He reaches out for the device.

San slaps his hand away, bringing the binoculars away and trying to tone down the red on his cheeks. "Nothing. Maddox hasn't made a move ever since we came. It seems like he's fallen asleep."

"Reminded me why he wasn't appointed as a field agent by the Bifidensis; he can't even keep watch for a day. Doesn't really have anything much up there too," he points to his head.

Using the back alley of the row of buildings, they make their way to stand near the first floor of the column of Byul's unit. They look up, trying to find a leverage; they note that the windowsills of each room provide them something to hold onto.

San climbs onto Jongho's shoulders first, allowing himself to launch upwards, swinging by a windowsill. As he gets a firm grip on the windowsill, he lets Jongho grasp his leg and pulls himself up. They work their way up until they finally reach the unit.

Jongho presses the button on his earpiece to signal to those in the control room that they have arrived there. "We've arrived at the unit. To confirm; you... have a curtain with the decoration from Monsters Inc."

"It was on sale and it's beautiful," Byul's voice shoots back, defending her choices in decoration. "I accept no slander regarding my curtains."

San chuckles at this.

"I'm guessing that's a confirmation. We'll be breaking into your house, no turning back."

"I'm going to be sued for damaging property."

"They can't sue a dead person. Plus if they're going to sue you, a dead person, you have no property they can take money from," Jongho replies simply as he takes out the pen and uncaps it.

"Ouch. Okay thanks for reminding me that I'm supposed to be dead because Yeosang killed me and that I'm basically a ghost with a lot of debt who owns no property. That didn't hurt at all."

San chuckles again, as if he has lost the ability to form any words whenever she speaks.

Jongho directs the tip of the pen towards the window, giving himself enough distance to start pressing down the single button on the pen. A single red laser shoots out steadily ftom the tip, and he carves an imperfect circle large enough for him to put a hand in and unlocks the window from inside. He swings the window open before jutting out his chin, inviting San to be the first to step into the house.

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