6 [coffee]

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They stand behind the counter and watch her as Yunho brings her in, guiding her to one of the tables. He tilts his head to them, prompting any of them to give the menu to him and Wooyoung fishes it out - which has collected dust since it's barely used - from under the counter before throwing it to him. He catches it with ease, and places it in front of her, waiting beside her to hear what she wants. She scans the one-page menu from top to bottom without moving and emitting any sound at all, that he thought she has fallen asleep.

He leans forward to get a good look of her face but gets startled when she suddenly looks at him dead in the eye, akin to the expression she gave when she was outside and they thought she was a ghost.

She puts out one finger, slides it along the menu before asking, "Do you have something sweet that I can eat?"

He looks over to the display unit placed beside the counter, which has been empty since they first unveiled the cafe. They never had any cakes or pastries to sell, and it has always been only the coffee. Even then they get customers scarcely, but it's not like it matters since they are not the ones keeping the cafe alive. The cafe is only a disguise for something bigger; something they have been keeping well under wraps for almost a year and hopefully, for more years to come.

"Hmm," he looks up, pretending to search for suitable words, "it's a pity that you came a bit later because the couple just took the last slice of cake," he lies through his teeth, faking an exaggerated sigh and a look of dismay. Although he's pretty sure that Hwayoung has probably drifted off to sleep, he can hear her saying 'Dad, stop lying' in his head. He knows that she's not a local at the Light District, because he has never seen her around before. Their district is pretty small, where everyone knows each other, but tries to keep to themselves most of the time. "Why don't you try the caramel latte instead? That's something sweet you can try."

"I'll have that one then." She gives back the menu before quickly adding, "I'll have it and leave soon after. I just need a caffeine fix."

He raises his eyebrows as the corners of his lips lifts up. "It's fine, really. Take your time. Though..." he throws his vision outside, looking at the dark sky without any source of light. The only moon out tonight is their own cafe's neon sign, but even that is not switched on. He lets it trail off as he excuses himself, signalling to any of the four to start making a cup of caramel latte.

Wooyoung, Jongho, Yeosang and Mingi nudge each other roughly, refusing to be the one to take a cup and start brewing the coffee.

Mingi cannot brew a cup of coffee to save his life, that once upon a time he did and the rest had food poisoning that lasted for three days and they had to close the cafe because no one was available to work. He never told them what he put in the pot, but they banned him from getting near the coffee machine for getting them almost killed. He was known as the 'innocent killer' among them, knowing that he can probably poison your food without you and even himself noticing.

Wooyoung and Jongho are the best, that they could actually pass off as real baristas if things get bad and they are forced to find other jobs; but they are too lazy to brew it for her. Yeosang is a decent barista, but he firmly states that he won't be making the cup for her and he'll be busy with the book he's currently holding. They turn to Yunho, since he was the one who brought her in, but he says that he needs to check up on Hwayoung and disappears upstairs.

"But you're the one who invited her in when we're about to close- ah, Jeong Yunho stop using Hwayoung as an excuse!" Wooyoung whispers angrily, only managing to spit it out to Yunho's shadow as his figure is already out of sight.

They stay quiet, observing as she looks around the cafe.

"Maybe if we stay still she won't notice that we're here and leave," Jongho suggests. "Or she'll get tired of waiting and leave."

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