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A/n: this is probably my fav from the last post so here you go. TRIGGER WARNING!

Hc: reader paints pretty things over L's scars when he's insecure about them.

It was beginning to get hotter, and in Japan that means humidity. It's not nice getting heat stroke, so that meant shorter clothes.

Everyone in taskforce was dressed to the weather... all except L. Who was wearing his usual long sleeves, you could tell it was bothering him. He was drinking way more than usual, dehydration. He was constantly turning up the air conditioner, but he just wouldn't take them off.

Not on your watch, you weren't letting him faint on you. Again... it was time to took matters into your own hands.

"L whatever your last name is!" You exclaimed, playfully storming into the room early one morning before the taskforce were up.

He jumped, tired from the night of chasing Kira earlier on. He was sleepy for sure but awake enough to process what was going on around him.

"Uh- yes?" He replied.

"It's going to be 40 degrees (C) today! I'm not standing by and letting you die of heat stroke in those clothes"

You poked his shoulder jokingly and leaned down to face him. The mere thought of short sleeves made him go all shy and closed off.

"N-no I'm fine-" he stammered.

"You've already fainted once this summer and I worry about you. I'm not seeing happen again. Put on some short sleeves damnit"

"(Y/n) really I can turn on the air conditioners, I'll be fine"

"That won't work forever L. Come on what's so bad about short clothes?"

He looked away, unable to maintain eye contact while he felt like all eyes were in him. You'd never seen him so... uncomfortable. He was all closed off to you and... he kept rubbing his arms.

"L? Is there a bigger reason for this?"

He didn't say anything, hoping you'd drop it. It just made you worried. It was something to do with his arms, you could tell that much.

"L... please tell me, I'm not going to make any judgements"

"D-don't worry about it (y/n)..."

"No I'm worrying about it, if you feel uncomfortable in short sleeves there's plenty of ways to try and fix that" you said.

He backed away slightly, he wasn't used to people pushing like this. Usually people would just drop it after a few questions. No one had really cared that much before.

"I-it's just... look I don't like clothes that show my skin ok?" He said.

It started to make more sense in your head the more you pushed. It was his arms and legs he was hiding. And he seemed to have problems with his skin being shown. That seemed a little too suspiciously connected. That must mean there's something on his skin he's insecure about... most likely some kind of scarring.

"L, listen. I don't care what your skin looks like. You can trust me here. I'm sure I can find some kind of solution" you said, pulling up a chair and sitting opposite him.

He seemed hesitant but he knew that if he could trust anyone, it was you. He loosened up, letting you take his arm and gently push the sleeve up. Just as you suspected, scars. Lots of them. They looked old but still very visible. All the way from his wrist to his elbow.


"I-it's just my arms and thighs! Nothing else! It was when I was really little and I went into blind meltdowns... stuff... happened when I was little. I don't do it anymore" he tried to quickly explain, hoping you weren't going to say anything more.

"Calm down. I'm not judging, just worried. Your thighs are easy to cover, you know... unless you wore booty shorts" you joked, trying to lighten the mood.

It worked, he giggled a little at that.

"Absolutely not. It's just... half of these aren't done by me ok? Why do you think I ended up an orphan... don't worry too much it's been over a decade since I last got a scar"

"I'm just worried because you're so insecure you're putting yourself at risk of heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Tell you what, I have an idea. Go put on some shorter clothes, I'll get some... supplies" you smiled.

He gave you a confused look, but you reassured him with a nod. You went your separate ways to the halls to go up to your rooms. You did know a little about makeup, and a lot about art. Body paint and a few brushes, sealer and some tissues. You had a way to make him happier with the scars.

When you returned you set up your paints and picked out the colours you'd use. Blue was always L's colour, you'd use that.

When he returned, more appropriately dressed for summer, he seemed worried about wearing such short sleeves. He sat back down opposite you and gave you another confused look when he saw the paints.

"Give me your arms" you said.

He held them out to you and you dipped your brush into the paint.

"Here's what we're going to do. I'm turning your scars into flowers. That way you'll get used to the feeling of short sleeves without worrying about people seeing the scars. Your scars aren't something to be ashamed of, but it can be hard to adjust... I'll make something pretty, then, you'll get used to viewing your scars as pretty too" you explained, carefully connecting the scars together, making a stem with green paint.

His heart skipped a beat when he heard those words. Someone actually cared, someone didn't judge his past, his scars, his insecurities. It was the first time someone had tried to help him instead of just letting him wallow in his own insecurities.

You picked up another paint brush to use for the blue petals, shading them in to look like Blue Delphiniums. In a matter of no time, his arms had beautiful blue flowers up his arms, the stems twisting around his fingers, the leaves around his arms framing the flowers. The stems running over each of the scars.

"There, now just to seal them" you said.

You dabbed on the sealer and let his arms dry.

"It will come off with proper soap and water, but will stay protected to the touch. And no one can see the scars unless you're up super close"

He looked down at his arms, smiling at the pretty flowers you'd painted. For once he felt like his arms were presentable.

You smiled at the sight of him happy, the soft gaze of comfort as he looked down at his arms was something to enjoy. You rarely saw him smile, but when he did, it was beautiful.

"See? Scars can be pretty too" You said.

He sighed, pulled you into a hug careful not to smudge any of the sealer just in case.

"Thank you..." he said.

You happily returned the hug. Seeing him happy was what made you the happiest.

"I just want you to be comfortable in your own skin L"

The hug broke, your hands connecting with his.

"It's nice to have someone actually care for once..."

You smiled again, placing your fingers under his chin to tilt his head to look up at you properly. You leaned in, placing a quick kiss on his lips. An action to which his cheeks went red.

"Now you can be at ease with your scars... And you won't die of heat stroke"

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now