Appetite part 1

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A/n: Y'all already KNOW that now I know this information I'm making a dramatic onehsot about it. For those who didn't see, I found out L is 22 FUCKING KILOGRAMS UNDER WEIGHT FOR HIS HEIGHT. MY POOR BABY. So you bet your ass imma make a drama oneshot. So if you get triggered by eating disorders, maybe skip this one. This is long so buckle up.

Hc: you notice that L's way too skinny for his height, and you intend to find out why.

L was always a little worrying to you. He was always so pale, so tired, so overworked. But what worried you the most was just how thin he was. He was past the point of being naturally skinny, for being 5.10" he was just... so small. At first you just thought maybe he was actually just naturally skinny, or he just had natural twigs for arms. Some people have small wrists and such while still being a good weight.

But that idea went down the drain when he got into that fight with Light. He may be strung enough to fight back but he was so exhausted after. That... and when Light grabbed him by the shirt, you gat a glimpse of what's under his oversized shirt, and the fact you could slightly see his ribs was very concerning.

But weight was such a sensitive topic for people, you didn't know how to bring it up with him. L was rather closed off from his emotions as it was, you didn't want to come off as mean, or worry him. How do you go about telling someone clearly underweight to gain weight without making them feel bad?

That, and you didn't know exactly why he was so underweight. Was it an natural high metabolism? Was it his diet? Was it another health problem? Or... something worse?

Since Watari was his legal guardian you thought about asking him, but he seemed oblivious. Plus, he was the one supplying L with all his cakes, he probably had no idea. With the amount of sugar L ate, it was almost impossible to believe he was underweight. Someone like him who eats all those carbs and sugary foods would be at a pretty normal weight right? So that's why you were that extra amount concerned. He ate, lots. But he was so thin...

So you came to conclusion you had to dig for answers yourself. You knew that digging around for people's medical records was intrusive and not something you could be doing, but you were just that worried. L would have some kind of medical record in with the taskforce, under an alias probably. Everyone in taskforce had medical records available in case of emergencies. It was just a matter of where to find them.

So in the dead of night, you avoided the cameras as best as you could and went hunting in filing cabinets for medical records.

You knew his height, it was 5.10" someone his height should be about 72-75 kg. That was what you were hoping you'd see. After going through several drawers, you finally found them. You looked at yours, just to see if they were recent. Everything about you was spot on, so it must be pretty recent. You dig through the taskforces names until you found L's at the back. Labeled at Ryuzaki of course.

You pulled the paper out, it over. Correct height, pretty common blood type, insomnia, all normal.

But when you finally saw his weight your heart sank.

50kg. That's almost 22kg under what he should be. You knew he was underweight but not this underweight... quickly putting everything back, you closed the drawers and went back up to your room.

You had no idea what to do. You were so worried, but weight was SUCH sensitive topic to people. How on earth do you tell L he needs to gain at least 22kg! How do you tell him and make it seem nice? Like you cared? Like you weren't being insensitive?

This was such a big worry, there's no way someone can naturally be THAT underweight. There was definitely something else going on here as much as you didn't want it to be true. Now that you really thought about it, you'd never seen L wear something that wasn't oversized and long sleeved. Even in the summer he was completely covered.

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now