Siren song part 3

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A/n: I had a kinda cute idea for how to continue this one so take this.

L's day adventuring land was coming to an end. When the sun sets he'll grow his tail again, so carrying some stuff your bought shopping on the harbour shops, the two of you ran to try and get back home before sunset so no one would see a literal merman transform in the middle of the street.

"Almost home, we gotta make this fast!" You laughed.

He was still a bit stumbly, it was his first day walking on human legs after all. But just as the last of the sun went down, you rounded the corner into your driveway and quickly into the door. The second the front door closed, he transformed and fell face first into the carpet, tail over head.

"Ow" he stated simply.

"You ok?"

"Ok? I'm better than ok! Land is so cool! I haven't had that much fun in... years!" He smiled, sitting up.

You were happy he was happy, this lonely merman sure had made your heart skip a few beats today. Now you needed to figure out what to do with him for the night.

"Well, I'm glad you liked it. We can do more things tomorrow. But for now I think we should get you upstairs"

Holding his arms out, you leaned down to pick him up as best as you could. His tail was long and kind of dragged on the ground as you pulled him up the stairs, but he was too distracted by the bag of human stuff you'd bought him he had in his hands. You reached your room and put him down on the floor to catch your breath. That tail had a lot of weight. He exitedly tipped out the contents of the bag.

Some lollies, warm clothes, a few trinkets he was fascinated by and a dolphin stuffie. He went a bit crazy for that stuffie, loving how soft and squishy it was. He probably hadn't ever seen one before, toys aren't something that'd get lost at sea easily.

Now, what to do with him. You'd already had an early dinner, he'd showered of all the salt water that day, you also had to explain what a toothbrush was to him earlier, so you'd crossed that bridge. Maybe you could put him in the bath for the night?

"So, do you need to be in water for the night?" You asked.

"Not really, I can go a few days without being in water" he replied, playing with the things you bought him.

"Well I might have to put you in the bath for the night, not too sure where else you could sleep"

"With you"

You froze for a moment, cheeks going red.

"With me?" You questioned.

"Humans don't sleep together?" He questioned.

"I mean, sometimes. That's a normal thing for merfolk?"

"Yeah, it gets really cold in the ocean so we sleep together to stay warm. You know how otters hold hands so they don't drift away? We either link arms underwater or find some beach or rocks to sleep on"

It made sense. The ocean got really cold, and it was constantly moving so sleeping together to stay in groups and stay warm would be a good idea. Although L had been alone for so long he probably hadn't felt contact comfort in a while.

"What about you? Haven't you been alone?" You asked.

His mood dropped a little at the reminder of that.

"Y-yeah... I usually just sleep on the rocks. When I can sleep that is, it's cold and lonely at night" he replied.

Poor little fish boy, that probably explained the eyebags. Maybe you should let him sleep with you? Since he'd been alone for so long. Plus he's dry even as a merman in land so it's not like you'd get soaked next to him. You wouldn't really be complaining either, cuddles did sound nice... you hadn't exactly had company in a while either.

"I mean, I guess..." you said.

His face lit up again, giving you a smile. Maybe it was just you, but the little angler fish light on his head seemed to light up too.

"Yay! Thank you, I wanna know what sleeping I'm a bed is like. Plus, it's cold at night and humans seem to be warmer than merfolk" he smiled.

Fish are cold blooded, so maybe being half fish affects how cold you get. But hey, it was your mission to make him happy now. So if it made him happy. You reached down to pull him into the bed, he decided to take the dolphin toy with him. Dropping him into the sheets, he landed with a bounce that earned a giggle from him.

"This is so much nicer than rocks" he said.

"It must be. Well I'll go get ready for bed, I'll be back"

With that you left to do your night routine. L couldn't help but roll around in the blankets, wrapping himself up in them in awe at how soft and warm they were. This would be the best sleep he'd ever had and he knows it. Sleeping next to a merman with a long, scaly tail will certainly be an experience for you that's for sure. When you came back, you snickered at his amusement being tangled in the blankets.

"Damnit L, if this is how you act with blankets I can only imagine the amount of times you've been stuck in fishnets" you said, pulling the blankets off him.

"Whhhaaatt? I've never gotten tangled in fishnets..." he insisted.

You straightened out the blankets again, turning the lights off and getting in next to him. His fluke stuck out the end of the blankets and hung off the edge of the bed, but other than that he stayed covered. Almost the second you lay down, you felt his cold arms wrap around you, and the dolphin stuffie in between him and you. Your cheeks went pink, he wouldn't notice in the darkness. The only light being from his one.

"You're so warm! Humans are so nice and cosy" he said.

"You're freezing, are merfolk always like this?" You replied.

"I guess, I've never noticed how cold I am compared to a human... my scales aren't annoying are they?"

"No, it's just a strange feeling when your hip fins brush against me. Never had that happen before"

You giggled, nuzzling up to you. Completely oblivious that this behaviour was reserved for humans in relationships. To a merman, this was a survival instinct for keeping warm.

"God you're so warm, if you're not careful I'll wrap my whole tail around you" he sighed.

By the morning when you woke up, he'd have his legs back, and if what you were thinking was correct... if he wrapped his tail around you, when his legs came back they'd be wrapped around you too. You might not mind that, he was an awfully cute merman that you're finding yourself attached to after all.



"Thank you for this, I haven't felt loved in so long..." he said.

You smiled, wrapping your warm arms around his cold body.

"Never in my life did I think I'd end up cuddling a merman, but I wouldn't trade you for the world. You're one of the coolest people I've ever met, L"

He smiled, feeling warm both outside and in.

"You're amazing"

"So are you. It's getting late... if we want to be up early to do more human things tomorrow we better go to sleep" you said.

"Alright, Goodnight (y/n), I really owe you for all this"

"You don't have to do anything but keep smiling. Goodnight fish boy..."

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