The list - Tom Holland (smut)

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"Okay, okay," Y/N laughed before resting her head against the couch as the group waited for her answer. "Let me think.... Okay... In no particular order – Catherine Zeta-Jones... I mean I'd let that woman do anything she wanted to me. And when I say anything, I mean anything... Zac Efron, 'cause that look in Hairspray did things to me."
           To that Zendaya snorted. "Dude, I can introduce you two."
           "And you'll say what – hey this stranger like millions of others wants to fuck you 'cause you're on her list? If you're down, of course."
           Cackling at Y/N's answer 'cause it was true, Z motioned for her to continue. "Michelle Pfeiffer, because Queen."
           Z, Harrison, Jacob and Angourie all nodded in unison.
           Jacob pressed on. "Two more."
           "Okay," Y/N chewed on her lip for a moment before settling on the last two people. "Ben Hardy 'cause Bohemian Rhapsody was a look," she emphasised the last word, and Anguorie groaned in agreement.
           "And Sebastian Stan," Y/N finished.
           Z's eyebrow raised. "Really?"
           "Okay, listen, have you seen his thighs? Like... I'd ride them into the sunset if allowed. And he seems like such a sweetheart, and he cares so much about his fans, it's the most endearing thing ever," Y/N gushed because to be fair, she had been a fan of his since Once Upon A Time, and his version of the Mad Hatter had struck a chord. So, the fact that Tom worked with him, and they had a banter-like relationship made her heart beat faster.
           Just like with her friend, she was incredibly proud of him because Y/N knew how it felt to be an outcast, and having heard his struggles of integrating into a complexly new society at the horrible age of twelve made her feel for Sebastian. Teenagers were shitty people. Besides, the fact that there was a possibility she could meet him through Tom, also didn't help with the slight obsession she had with the Romanian and his thighs.
           As the conversation started to dissipate, everyone chiming in on who's on their list, Tom who'd been standing right outside the door of the trailer finally came in; his hair a completely dishevelled mess, and face a mask of calm with a small smile playing on his lips to mask the jealousy.
           "And what is everyone talking about?" Tom asked entering Zendaya's trailer and flopping down next to Y/N, putting an arm behind the couch. On an instinctual level, she leaned against his side making his heart flutter before all the butterflies were squashed when Zendaya elaborated.
           "Her list," Z said with a smirk pointing at the girl next to him before sipping on her drink despite it having gone stale.
           "Oh really?" Tom's unruly eyebrow quirked up. "Do tell."
          "Catherine Zeta-Jones, Zac Efron, Michelle Pfeffer, Ben Hardy and Sebastian Stan," Y/N listed off the names while rotating her head from one side to the other and gave him a pointed look of 'was that good enough? Happy?'
           "Ouch, Y/N," Tom put a hand over his heart in mock hurt, though there was some real pain mixed in there as well. "And no me?"
           The girl snorted and rolled her eyes. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I know you have hordes of adoring fans that would love to get into your pants," she patted his leg, "which means you are famous, but to me... you're just Tom. The same guy I've known since being six, and the same guy I had to rescue from a spider two weeks ago... and I have a phobia from them."
           "It was huge!"
           "First off, that's what she said. And second – you call me for help?!" she exclaimed through a laugh. "Do I need to remind you of the zoo incident?"
           Angourie's eyes sparkled at that. "Wait, what's the 'zoo incident'?"
           "We went to the London zoo a couple of years ago, and in the tropical house one of the big hairy spiders had somehow gotten loose, and Y/N found herself with it on her shoulder," it was hard for Tom to keep the laughter away at first, seeing as everyone was howling, but remembering the state his friend went into, all happiness evaporated.
           "I had a panic attack," Y/N expanded, shrugging as if it hadn't been truly terrifying. She didn't mind the others laughing about the event. Looking back on it, as much as it made her shiver, she knew there was no harm in their reaction, but Y/N would be lying if she said Tom and Harrison not laughing didn't comfort her a bit. They knew her struggles, so it was nice of them to keep it to polite smiles. "Like to the point they had to call an ambulance because I wouldn't stop screaming and hyperventilating," she chuckled, but to elevate Tom's mood 'cause he had been so distraught that day, she nudged his shoulder.
           "Why do you think Spider-Man's my least favourite superhero?" Y/N teased looking at Tom and waiting for his usually snarky response, but instead, this time all she got was a roll of his eyes as he diverted his attention to Harrison and bit down on his lip.
           Y/N's eyebrows furrowed at that. Obviously, she didn't mean it, and Tom knew it. Just because she didn't have an affinity to the eight-legged spawns of Satan, didn't mean she hated Spider-Man, let alone Tom as the character. She couldn't be prouder of him if she tried.
           "Tommy, you okay?" Y/N leaned in closer so that only he could hear her. "You know I didn't mean it, right?"
           There was such concern and care in her gorgeous Y/E/C orbs that he had no choice but to melt and push down the jealousy. "Yeah, darlin'. I know."
           He pecked her forehead and gave his full attention to the rest of the group. But deep down a coil of jealousy started to unfurl.
           The next day Tom walked into the gym in a sour mood, so much so both Anthony and Sebastian stopped to look, as the boy walked over to the treadmill with slumped shoulders. So completely opposite of how he usually greeted the two with a cheery smile and handshake.
           Of course, all the teasing they did was in good fun, no one took it to the heart, but after Y/N had so freely talked about wanting to ride Sebastian's thighs into the next year, all those things they'd staid kinda stung. Especially because he hadn't been on the list, and she kept referring to him as her friend. 
           "What's gotten the baby in such a bitter mood?" Mackie teased as he added more weights to Sebastian's bar. "Girl trouble?"
           "Actually yeah," Tom confessed putting the water bottle in the holder, and then he groaned. "Massive girl trouble."
           He heard his two fellow actors sigh. A loud 'clank' echoed through the room, and then they were next to him.
           "Spill," Sebastian nudged his chin in Tom's direction, making him huff and cross his arms. 
           "Well, she came to visit me while we shoot the movie," he started leaning against the side of the treadmill, "and she's getting along incredibly well with everyone which I'm totally happy about, but then last night, Haz, Daya, Jacob, Angourie and Y/N-"
           "She the girl?" Mackie needed clarification. Tom nodded and then continued. "They were hanging in Daya's trailer waiting for me to finish up, and as I was walking over to them, I heard them talking about her... list..."
           "Five celebs she'd do if given the chance?"
           "Yeah," Tom confirmed, and Mackie nodded like it was the most understandable thing. "And the thing is... well, I'm not on the list... but Sebastian is."
           A teasing smirk pulled on the brunet's mouth. "I am?"
           "Yes, and I'm not going to go into detail, 'cause I don't need those flashbacks," the Brit immediately said before either man could open their mouths and start pressing for the nitty gritty info. "But when I asked why no me, she said 'cause I'm 'just Tom'."
           Anthony shrugged, the water in his bottle sloshing around. "And what's so bad with that?"
           "I've been flirting with her for the past three years. We've even kissed! And we both were sober when we did it!" Tom groaned throwing his head back in frustration. "I just don't understand it..."
           Anthony had a sympathetic look on his face, because again – all the teasing came from a place of love and respect, but there was nothing fun in seeing Tom so helpless and beaten down. "Have you considered that she just might not see you that way?"
          "Like a celebrity? Yeah, no she said she doesn't care about this whole Marvel shit and all, that I'm just Tom to her, but..." he huffed, "that's what's bothering me. I'm 'just Tom' and I don't wanna be 'just Tom'. I wanna be more."
           "Or," Sebastian raised his eyebrows at Anthony in a way that said 'don't completely crush the kid', "she could be completely oblivious to what you're doing. Listen," he straightened out and wiped away a trail of sweat from his forehead, "I was once trying to flirt with a girl, a friend of mine, much like Y/N is yours, and I thought I was being very obvious. Which I was, but the problem wasn't with the hints, it was that she was totally clueless. It took me actually saying to her face 'hey, I really like you, and I wanna take you out for dinner, and maybe have a relationship with you' before she caught on."
           Tom bit at the inside of his cheek before looking up at the two men. "Do you really think that could be it? That she's just not picking up on the hints?"
           "I dunno, man," Sebastian shrugged, and Mackie had the same unknowing look on his face. "What do you have to lose though?" With that said, the two retreated to resume their workout but kept a close eye on the boy.
           "Her," Tom whispered under his breath as he thought over the advice and got prepared to run. "I have everything to lose."
           It was almost two weeks after the conversation about the list, and Y/N's time in Austin was running out before she had to get back to London and Uni. Which meant Tom's time to confess was running out as well. Who knows who she could meet while back in England, and while he was stuck filming?
           Once again, they were all hanging out, now with the addition of Tony, which didn't help Tom's mood despite everyone relaxing. Y/N's list had been brought up again, and although the two were gushing over Catherine Zeta-Jones and how Michael Douglas should watch out, all Tom could think of was how she had practically drooled over Sebastian and his thighs.
           "We should all go out clubbing!" Z suddenly exclaimed jumping up from the couch and grabbing her purse, bringing Tom out of his wallowing.
           "And that's my cue to leave," was Y/N's response to the invitation.
           A plethora of 'no' and 'boo, you bore' and 'what!' rung through the room, but she just shook her head with an affectionate smile. "Clubs are not my scene, like whatsoever. Just ask Tom and Haz how many times they've tried and failed to get me out on a Friday night."
           Everyone's expecting eyes befell on the boys. Harrison was the one to respond. "All of them."
           Y/N just raised her shoulders. "I'm a bore, what can I say."
           While a few of their gang still tried to coerce her to join, she was steadfast on going back to the hotel and getting some sleep. As she stood up from where she had been nestled in Tom's side, her hips and spine popped making her release a satisfied groan, but that also drew Tom's attention, specifically to how her bright yellow sundress rode up her body a bit. It took everything in him not to moan at how soft the back of her thighs looked, but ever the good friend, he stood up as well and told her he'd drive her to the hotel.
           "Come on," Y/N sighed giving him a smile, "I can just call a taxi. I don't wanna keep you from all the fun, just because I'm a buzzkill."
           Tom just shook his head, dead set on getting her there. "I invited you all the way out here. What kind of a best friend would I be if I let you just leave on your own?"
           "A normal one that doesn't want to miss out on all of the fun with his other friends?"
           "Or a normal one that wants to make sure his friend gets back to her hotel safely?"
           Y/N chuckled as the two of them made their way downstairs and to his car. "And a taxi wouldn't do that?"
           "Nope," Tom smirked and skipped ahead opening the door for her. But that's where the light-heartedness ended. The second he was in the car and the ignition was on, a tense atmosphere rolled over them.
           He wouldn't speak to her, instead just kept pursing and biting his lips while Y/N kept glancing at her friend, but he wouldn't even spare a second.    
   She had talked to Harrison about Tom acting a bit off the past couple of weeks, and although the two were best friends as well, she was definitely closer with the brunet than the blond.
           "I dunno," Harrison had shrugged. "He's acting off, I won't deny that, but he hasn't said that anything's bothering him."
           Y/N rolled her eyes. "Of course, something's bothering him."
           "But what can we do unless he talks about it?" Harrison shrugged.
           And he was right. If Tom wouldn't say what was wrong or why he was pushing the two of them away, she didn't know how to help. So, when he stopped in the car park of her hotel, the two moving up to her room with that awkward silence still between them like a wall, she had had enough.
           "Are you okay?" Y/N asked biting her lip and crossing her arms after she dropped her purse onto the sofa. Tom had gotten her the VIP suite much to her chagrin, but even being as exhausted and upset as she was now, the bed seemed lumpy and uninviting. "You've been pulling away, and I don't know what I did wrong, but I need you to tell me so I can fix it."
           "Nothing's wrong," he mumbled brushing a hand through his hair. "I dunno what you're on about."
           Frustration was boiling in her veins. "No there is something wrong. You've been off since that night in Z's trailer." And then it dawned on her. "Tom, you know it was a joke, right? About hating Spider-Man." Y/N was terrified he had actually taken the comment to the heart. As she was about to reach out for him, wrap the boy in her embrace he took a step back.
           "You think it's about that?" his eyebrows shot up so high in his forehead they almost disappeared in his hairline. "Un-fucking-believable."
           Y/N scoffed. "I'm not a fucking mind reader. So, unless you tell me what's wrong, I can't help."
           "You know what," Tom closed his eyes and raised his hands in dismissal, "forget about it. Doesn't fucking matter."
           "Of course, it does! We are best fucking friends!" she exclaimed unable to comprehend why Tom was pushing her away. "And I care for you! We tell everything to each other, so fucking talk to me!"
           "I don't wanna be your best friend anymore! I'm fucking in love with you!"
           A small, soft 'you what now?' fluttered through the air as Y/N stood in front of him with her mouth agape.
           "I'm in love with you!" Tom cried. "I've been in love with you for five years now! And for the past three years, I've been flirting with you, but I can't take it anymore. I can't do this! Why can't you see it?! Why can't you ever see me?!"
           With every spoken word, Y/N was moving closer and closer calling out his name, but he wouldn't stop. Years of pent up emotions were finally flowing freely, and you can't stop a river from rushing to the sea.
           "I'm always there for you! I've always been there! When it's a broken heart, a broken arm or just a shitty day, it's always been me that makes you feel better! And yet you've never been able to fucking see me!" his hands went up to pull at the messy curls, eyes shut as tears rolled down in an endless stream. "And I can't take it anymore! I need you to know, I just-" his chest rattled as he pulled in a breath, completely unaware that Y/N was right in front of him. "I can't keep living with this pressing down on me, when I know we could be happy together, when I know I can love you like no one e-"   
           "Tom!" she yelled right into his face. As he slowly lifted his gaze, two tears streaming down his high cheekbones she wiped them away with the tenderest of touches. "Stop talking and just kiss me," the plea was barely audible, but he heard it. He would've heard it over the howling of a tornado or the crashing of waves. It was a plea he never thought would ever be uttered, but there was no way in hell he'd ignore it.
          For a moment he was stunned, brain processing the fact Y/N had actually said that he should kiss her, but then she moved forward more, Tom's hands wrapping around her waist on instinct.
          "Kiss me," her lips brushed right against his, and that's when his mind cleared from the fog, and his mouth was on Y/N's.
           It was messy, a clash of tongues and teeth as years of hidden love spilt over the surface and into the heart of the other, filling them to the brim like wine filled a cup. They were grasping at one another in a desperate manner, trying to touch everywhere at once.
           Stumbling back, Tom flopped down on the edge of the bed, bringing Y/N to straddle him.
          "I wanna ride your thigh," she moaned as he nibbled on her neck leaving purple marks in his wake.
           "Really?" the question was muffled from where his mouth was attached to her skin. "You sure it isn't Sebastian's thigh you wanna ride into the sunset?"
           His sass wasn't something she wanted to deal with, especially as the ache between her legs became more and more and more unbearable, so she bit out, "keep talking like that, and it will be."
           The rough grasp around Y/N's hips as he flipped her leg over his and ground his knee upwards towards her crotch was enough of an answer as to what he thought of the statement. "Not a chance, darlin'. Not a fucking chance."
           "I'm just saying," Y/N moaned out as Tom's hands rolled her hips forward and backwards on his thigh, "you just spilt out your heart to me, and then come after with the sass?"
           He groaned as her teeth latched onto his shoulder before her tongue soothed the bite. "You deserve it for not realising what's in front of your eyes."
           Tom could feel the wet patch of where Y/N's arousal had soaked through her panties and onto his jeans, and that just made him flex the muscle more, making her moan his name into his ear.   
           "Feel good, love?"
           All Y/N could do was sigh in pleasure. Slowly, gently as she was still grinding against his thigh inching closer and closer to the inevitable release, Tom took his hands away from her hips and placed them at her back to unzip the dress.
           It pooled around her sides like a pond of sunshine, and when he lifted his gaze up, his knee jerked quite literally, giving Y/N that final push that made her tumble over. As she rode out the waves of her first orgasm, Tom's mouth watered at the sight before him – her completely naked chest.
         In complete awe, his palms trailed up Y/N's waist sending another shiver down her spine, as they skimmed across her ribs, under her breasts before cupping them and rolling her nipples between his fingers.
   He was so enamoured with bringing Y/N to the edge, that he didn't even notice how much he needed to cum himself until she palmed him through the black jeans while his mouth had been covering her collarbones with hickies.
           "Shit," Tom hissed as Y/N unbuckled the belt and opened the zipper and the button alleviating some of the tension. Lightly she raked her fingers down his stomach, over his abs and left red marks on the skin of his hips before dipping below the waistband of Tom's boxers to grab at his length.
          Another hiss made its way into the air as Y/N scraped the nail of her thumb against his tip smearing the precum down his cock. Tom attached his mouth to her neck sucking against her sweet spot as she slowly worked her hand over him, just enjoying the moment.
           It felt surreal for both of them. Not for a second did either think they'd end up in a position like that – with Y/N moaning Tom's name as his lips travelled down her collarbones and to her breasts and with Tom doing everything possible as to not cum in his pants because her hand was pure magic.
           "You keep going like that," he whispered and bit at the underside of Y/N's boob as his fingers gave a harsh tug on her nipples, "and it'll all be over right now."
           She moaned at the sting of where he'd bitten her but was now licking the pain away. "And we don't want that do we?" her voice was hoarse already. Tom couldn't wait for what was about to become of her.
           Pushing away from him, Y/N stood on the floor and let the dress drop, leaving her in white cotton panties. They were definitely not sexy or even remotely attractive. In fact, they were the most basic ones she had because she totally did not think that's how her night would go, but Tom didn't seem to care one bit.
           His chocolate eyes, already dark from the lust, became like a void looking at Y/N. A black lace thong or waist-high period ones with stains – he didn't care. His shirt practically flew off of him as he stood up and smashed his lips against hers, needing to have that constant contact, and while his hands roamed and dipped all around her body, fingers brushing against her clit through the fabric, Y/N got rid of Tom's jeans. She was just about to push against his chest to make him drop on the bed and take off his boxers when he slid down onto his knees in front of her and placed open-mouthed kisses to the inside of her thighs.
          "Shit, Tommy..."
           Her hands wove into the brown locks and pushed them away from his face so she could see his eyes that never left her face.
           "Let me make you feel good," he mouthed the words against the inside of her thigh inching his way closer to where Y/N needed him the most.
          Another inch.
           One more.
          Right there.
          "The stars."
           And he placed his lips right on her clothed clit. By that point, Y/N would've been a sobbing mess from the neglect if not for the need to keep her body upwards as to not crush Tom.
           "Please," she whimpered brushing his hair away from his forehead, and that one little word was enough for him to roll down her underwear, mouth still latched onto the supple skin of her thighs. It was enough to grab her by the waist and pull her down to sit on his lap as he quickly discarded his own offensive piece of clothing. It was enough to make his member violently twitch against his stomach at the thought of her dripping cunt wrapped around him.
           Gently Y/N rocked back and forth to coat him in her slick, mouths entwined in a dance when his eyes sprung open.
           "Wait, wait, wait, condom," Tom took his lips away from Y/N's, but she was quick to bring him back by saying "it's okay. I'm on the pill and clean."
           "Are you – are you sure?" there was such worry in his gaze, her heart skipped a beat. "Because we can wait, we don't have to do anythi-"
           Her lips interrupted his ramblings once again. "Make love to me, Tom."
           Internally he scolded himself because 'okay? Seriously? That's the best you can come up with?' though the gentle smile on Y/N's face calmed his thundering heart, and as he muttered out an "I'm also clean", and she replied with an "I trust you" while climbing in his lap, he swore his heart was on the verge of giving out.
       The sigh both of them let out was filled with pure relief. Relief that the ache was about to be quenched, relief that they were together in this, relief that they both felt the same way. Relief that it was all out on the table and there was no turning back.
           One of Tom's hands rushed up to his curls and fisted them, eyes squeezed shut as he strained to stay composed, to give Y/N time to adjust to the intrusion. "Fuck," he whispered as she leaned down and rested her forehead against his peck, trying to accommodate to the size. "You good there, darlin'?"
           "Give me a moment, just a bit more," Y/N's breath was shaky as she whimpered.
           "As much as you need... we don't have anywhere to rush to," and that brought a small smile on his lips. They had all the time in the world.
           Another minute passed before Y/N rolled her hips a bit, startling Tom with the sudden movement and eliciting a whimper from his throat. All of it was unhurried and soft, the movements deliberately slowed down so the two could feel the other.
           She moaned at how full she felt; all of the ridges and veins of Tom perfectly fitting inside of her and not just that. As he intertwined their hands together bringing their lips in for a kiss, all of the pieces just fit.
   Every time they would hang out and hold hands, Y/N would marvel at how natural and good it felt. How easily her heartbeat synched up to his during their Friday movie nights when her head rested on his chest. And that one time when they'd kissed at a bar, his lips had moulded to hers perfectly. They were perfect for one another, and Y/N wanted to scream at how oblivious she'd been.
           As much as he wanted to close his eyes and just allow himself to feel everything, Tom couldn't. His mind screamed to not even blink, to not miss a second of what was happening, to take in the full spectrum of the gorgeous sight on top of him. But he was just human, and sometimes pleasure could be overwhelming.
           The way Y/N clasped and fluttered around him, her soft breaths echoing all throughout the room like a symphony made Tom squeeze his eyes shut and rest his head against her chest. Her fingers carded through his hair, pulling at the strands as if to get him closer than he already way.
           Tom's hands had most definitely left imprints on Y/N's hips, and they became harsher as he felt himself near his peak with every single thrust. But she wasn't there yet. And he wasn't about to finish without her tumbling over first.
           Detaching his lips from the valley of her breasts, Tom licked the pad of one of his thumbs and sneaked it between their moving bodies, pressing it ruthlessly against her clit. Y/N choked on a breath at his touch because it was the thing, she needed to release all over his cock.
           The incredible tightness Tom felt made a groan rumble through his chest, and with two more thrusts, he spilt all of himself inside her.
   They were trembling as they helped one another to ride out the waves of pleasure, and once Y/N came down from her peak, she slumped over in his hold, a soothing hand running up her shivering back.
           Gently, Tom helped her roll to the bed and off of him, not once detaching his mouth from her neck, words of praise and love being whispered in her ear. He was just about to stand up from the bed and go to the bathroom to grab a damp washcloth and clean them up when his eyes trailed to her core and fixed on how his seed dripped out of her.
           "Fuck, you look so good like this," Tom moaned leaning back down, a finger slipping over her folds and mixing up the white and clear liquids. "But I bet you taste even better."
           And then he dove in. Despite Y/N's core spazzing around nothing from the overstimulation, he didn't let her shimmy away. Instead, his biceps flexed, and his hold became as strong as iron, as he pulled her harder against his mouth and kept on his assault.
           Expertly his lips wrapped around her clit creating an airtight seal as he sucked on it, sending Y/N spiralling. Her back arched up from the bed, both hands grabbing at the pillow behind her head for some sort of support because there was nothing left to tether her to the real world.
           Her mouth opened in a silent scream, Y/E/C eyes that had been locked onto Tom during the whole ordeal rolled to the back of her head as she cummed for the third time that night.
           As the euphoria rippled through her veins, Y/N was finally able to find her voice and the most guttural scream of Tom's names split the night air into two, a hand fisting in his hair to keep him there between her legs.
           Tom's whole jaw was a mess as he crawled up Y/N's body leaving sloppy kisses all over before he could plant a passionate kiss on her lips. She was still floating, still somewhere in space, but had enough consciousness to grant his tongue access and wrap her hands around his neck, as the taste of him and herself invaded her mouth.
           "Been wanting to do that for a while," he muttered letting his lips kiss her chin and cheeks while his palms soothingly rubbed her quaking thighs.
           "Well, you're welcome to any time," Y/N chuckled, mind still completely dazed. She let herself relax for a moment, and in the meantime, Tom laid down beside her. With both of them still completely naked, he brought her in his embrace and burrowed his nose in her hair, just to stay in the blissful moment.
           "Tom?" Y/N hummed turning her head to the side. "Can you let me go for a sec? I need to pee; don't want a UTI."
          Reluctantly he pulled his arms away from her torso, but not before giving her boob a playful squeeze making her swat his hand away. Y/N stood from the bed and immediately collapsed onto the floor.
           He was jumping to the rescue instantly. "Shit, are you alright?"
           But Y/N was full on laughing, hands clutching her stomach and legs curling up to her chest, tears streaming down her face. "O-oh my god! I've never been unable to fucking walk after sex!"
           An adorable cherry blush rose and spread over Tom's chest and cheeks at the remark. Knowing he was the cause of her happiness and also her inability to walk after their escapades, made his heart stutter, and he had to mask his exhilaration and shyness with a chuckle.
           "Can you help me get up?" she extended both hands out to Tom. "I still need to pee."
           He climbed out the bed and grabbed Y/N's palms that fit so flawlessly in his and gently pulled her up.
           "You good?" he watched her take two steps while still holding onto her. But she seemed to have regained some control over her limbs so with a small "yeah, thank you," and a peck on his lips, she went into the bathroom.
           After doing her deed and having thrown a damp towel to Tom, Y/N scrambled back into the once lumpy looking bed that was now like a cloud, mostly because of who her pillow was.
           "So," he smirked looking down at her, trailing a finger over her bicep, "am I on the list now?"
           "Nope," Y/N popped the 'p' and cuddled up closer to Tom. "Still don't consider you a celebrity. Besides... those people are on there for a theoretical 'what if they were down for it and I had the chance' scenario... hopefully, this wasn't a one-time thing, and you'll be down for the rest of our lives."
           Tom snorted, a lightness filling his chest. "Darling, now that I've finally made you understand that I'm in love with you, I intend on making sure you remember that."
           Y/N couldn't help the quirk of her lips, and she pecked his chest. "So," she breathed out, "who's on your list?"
           "You," Tom answered in full seriousness. "Just you. Have been since well... since like five years ago when I fell in love with you."
           Y/N slapped his shoulder and shook her head as she laughed. "I'm calling bullshit on that one." But he just shrugged.
           "Games or not," his lips skimmed over hers, "'what ifs' or not. The only one I need or want is you."

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