God of London - Part 7

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Her eyes barely opened. The first things she saw were tubes and lights and a plain white ceiling. There were people stood around her, yelling things but she couldn't seem to make it out. Her head was a mess. She faded in and out of consciousness. "Where..." Was all she managed to get out from her dry lips. "E-Excuse...Excuse me?" She mumbled. Nobody could hear her. Am I dead? Where am I? Where's Tom?

"Sir, she's not unconscious but she's losing blood." A voice above her said. The last word seemed to echo over and over again. Y/N wanted to get up and escape wherever she was. All she wanted was Tom to wake her up from this nightmare and tell her that everything was going to be okay. Yet, he was nowhere to be found.

Her eyes flickered closed before opening again. She looked down at her nose where an oxygen mask sat, wrapped around her face. Just looking at it was enough to send her into a panic before falling unconscious again.


Mumbling quietly, she turned on her side and stretched. She opened her eyes, her vision clearing up. Her head was resting on a white pillow and her body was wrapped up in a white duvet. It wasn't as soft as her own duvet. Rubbing her eyes, she attempted to sit up until she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. "Shit." She cursed, placing a hand over the pain. Y/N looked down and noticed a mint green hospital gown attached to her body. Eyes widening, she lifted her dress and found a clean, white bandage wrapped around her stomach. She dropped her gown and looked around the room. She was in a hospital, by herself.

"Hello?" She called out, her throat dry and scratchy from the lack of water. Coughing, she placed a hand on her neck and called out again. "Hello? Is anyone there?" Groaning, she pushed herself up so she was resting against the headboard.

After a few minutes of waiting in silence and desperation, the door finally opened and a nurse in a white dress walked in.

"Miss Romano, you're awake." She said with a kind smile, a clipboard in hand. "My name is Sarah. I've been checking up on you whilst you've been unconscious."

"Unconscious? Where am I and why and I here?"

"You were shot at a party." Sarah walked over to her and checked her forehead. "That must have been a crazy party if you were shot."

"Who brought me here?" Y/N asked, forgetting that she was in the back of an ambulance at some point.

"A man called the police and he seemed afraid... More than that. He wanted to get into the ambulance but because of health and safety, he wasn't allowed." Tom.

"D-do you know who shot me?"

"Nobody knows at the moment. The police are investigating the scene."

Y/N sat in silence, twiddling her thumbs as she stared at the blanket pooled around her thighs. "Why can't I remember anything?" She looked up, eyebrows creased.

"It won't last long. You've only just woken up after being unconscious for a while. It'll all come back soon."

"How long was I asleep for?" She asked as Sarah pushed a needle into her forearm.

"A week or so. We had to put you under an unconscious state otherwise circumstances would be worse than they already were." Even though she was 'asleep' for a week, she still felt drained.

"Do you know where Tom is?"

"You remember the man who called the police?" Y/N nodded and smiled slightly.

"Yeah, I lo- I'm dating him."

Sarah chuckled as she read through the clipboard that was sat on her thighs. "He's taken a break for a bit. I think he went home. He's been sat outside of your room, you know. Don't think that he didn't think about you."

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