Guilty Tessa

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You were currently visiting your boyfriend of almost two years of dating's hometown and at the very moment, you were still sleeping on the right side of your boyfriend's bed that was still here in his family's house. You moved around in your spot and moved a strand of hair out of your eyes as you mumbled something out when hearing the door to enter the bedroom squeak open, "Tom?"
A small smile tugged on the end of your lips when hearing claws scratch against the wooden floors of your boyfriend's bedroom and then something or more specifically, someone. The specific someone shuffled around the bed and a slightly warm presence was sensed right in front of your face, but then the presence was getting warmer when feeling something being placed on the available space that between you and the edge of the bed.
"Tessa?" You questioned out playfully and tiredly with closed eyes. You opened your eyes and a small giggle left your lips when seeing her face next to the side of your face, "Hi, baby." You smiled, somewhat getting up and leaned against your right elbow as your other arm scratched behind Tessa's ear, "Where's Tom?"
A small bark erupted from Tessa at the sound of her owner's name to which the smile on your face widened a bit more when seeing a cheeky grin on Tessa's face. You looked around the bedroom and came to a conclusion that Tom was already awake and he was somewhere within the house, a small groan left your lips when seeing his boxers and other clothes on his side of the bed.
"Come here, Tessa." You smiled, patting the available spot by your side. Cooing out at her when she didn't move a muscle, "It's okay. I'll protect you from Tom, come here I need a cuddling buddy."
A smile was still plastered on your face as Tessa stayed for a second as if thinking over your suggestion before jumping on Tom's bed and getting closer to you until she laid her head on your stomach with your arm draped over her back. You closed your eyes and tried to sleep away the jetlag, but was woken up when hearing footsteps coming up the stairs and your boyfriend's voice being heard from down the hallway.
"Love, you know where Tessa is?!" Your boyfriend asked, his voice getting closer to the bedroom.
"She's in here." You replied back, slowly getting up into a sitting position before leaning forward and placing your head on Tessa's fur as you scratched her favorites spots to be scratched.
"When you search the whole house for your dog and you can't find her-" Tom spoke, entering his bedroom with his phone out facing him, probably recording it onto the Instagram story thing, "This is the one place she'll be."
"Look how guilty she looks," Tom lets out a chuckle as he turned the phone towards the said pet before playfully scolding her, "Tess, what are you doing? You know you're not suppose to be up there, come on."
"It's okay, Tessa." You cooed, scratching behind her ear and smiling when seeing her tail wagging back and forth from behind her, "I have a new cuddling buddy now."
"What?" Tom exclaimed with a small pout, probably still recording since his phone was still out, "I thought I was your cuddling buddy."
"Yeah, but now I have a new one." You teased out, nuzzling your head a more into Tessa's fur, "Unless you clean your mess then I would reconsider if you're still my cuddling buddy."
"Okay, can I at least get a kiss for motivation?" Tom questions, walking closer to the opposite side of you and leaned onto the bed with his lips pursed for a kiss. Rolling your eyes at how adorable he is, you gave him a quick peck on the lips before returning your attention towards Tessa, "Well, I got to get going. Don't want to lose my cuddling buddy."
"You really need to clean up, babe." You chuckled, running your fingers through your bed head as Tom stopped recording and placed his phone back in one of the pockets of his pants.
"Are you going to help me?" Tom questions with a smile as you covered your mouth with a hand when a yawn slipped through your lips.
"Nope." You popped the 'p' before adding with a smile, "Since it's your clothes, you're cleaning it yourself."
"Fine," Tom pouts, but a small huff left his lips when you didn't pay attention to him as your full attention was focused on Tessa. A smile that stretched from ear to ear was then plastered on his face when your laughter and your squeals along with Tessa's small barks were heard throughout the bedroom as Tessa jumped on top of you and licked your face with her tail frantically wagging back and forth. Two out of the three of his favorite girls all in one room.
What a sight for him to see and make his heart soar for his adoration for you even more.

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