Daiting Tom Includes

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Constantly bickering with Harrison on who Tom loves more.

Always winning these fights

"Sorry mate, but have you seen her? She's absolutely stunning."

Having all sorts of adventures with Tom and Harrison

Because let's face it, wherever Tom goes, Harrison follows.

But never really minding because as long as Tom is around, so are you.

Tom always making sure that you're okay.

"You sure, love? Okay. I just want to make sure my girl is happy."

Him wrapping his arms around you every chance he gets.

Calling you every kind of cute nickname in the book because he can never just pick one.

"Babe, love, doll, sweetie, beautiful, gorgeous, cutie, honey," All of them.

Sometimes finding himself just staring at you because he can not believe how lucky he is to have you.

Having to break up Tom and Harrison's arguments on who loves you more.

"Enough, you two. I swear you guys are like little kids fighting over a toy, and I am NOT a toy."

"Course you're not, babe. But, I do love you more than Haz."

"I know you do. Why do you think I'm with you."

Tom leaving you with little notes that he placed everywhere.

"Hey babe, I love you!"

"Did you know you're amazing?"

"You're my girl, don't ever forget."

"Call me when you find this!"

"I could stare you forever."

"You're the first and last person on my mind."

"I miss you."

Tom begging you to go with him everywhere because he just doesn't want to leave you.

"Please come with me."

"No, Tom. I have to work-"

"-but, I'm Spiderman. You don't have to work."

"Did you just seriously use that line on me?"

"Did it work?"

"Absolutely not, you dork. I love you, I do but I promise I'll come visit. Okay?"

"Fine, but you better."

Always, always feeling guilty because you know that sometimes he gets a little bit of anxiety and stressed and you seem to be the only remedy.

Flying out on the next flight possible.

And immediately all the stress and anxious thoughts are thrown out the window the minute he sees you.

Him always whispering in your ear, "Thank you."

Always reassuring him that he's earned all the success in his life.

Sometimes feeling a little scared that he'll forget you with his oncoming fame.

Tom reading you like a book and breaking these thoughts from your head.

"You do know that I love you right? And that I wouldn't be here without you. I'd be a wreck if I ever lost you. Don't ever think for one second that I could make it without you."

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