Panic Attacks

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'Wanda has been kidnapped.' Pietro texted you in the middle of the second period of class.
'WHAT!!' You quickly texted back to your brother from the corner of your eye, you see Peter turning his head towards you to see what you were doing, 'What do you mean Wanda's been kidnapped!?'
'Meaning that the kidnappers want to use Wanda as a weapon to get rid of the Avengers.' Pietro types back in a matter of seconds. Your hands start to shake like crazy and your breathing starts to get a little heavy as Pietro takes a bit of his time to text you. You tucking your shaking hands underneath the desk as Peter sent you a worried look thru his eye with the expression of wanting to know what was happening. You placed your head on the top of the desk, letting out a little sigh when the cold desktop felt cool against your forehead, 'Don't worry the team and I are heading now to save her.'
'Come back safe with Wanda, брат. (brother.)' You text your brother back with slightly shaky hands.
'Will do, Детская сестра. (baby sister.)' Pietro texts back before you quickly shoved your phone into the back pocket of your jeans. You leaned against the back of the chair as your breathing slowed down a bit, you looking to the side to see Peter with the same worried expression from before.
'Later.' You mouthed towards your best friend as you tried to get comfortable in the seat. Peter gave you a hesitant, slow nod of his head before looking towards the front of the room, giving you side glances ever once in a while for the rest of the classes until lunch. When the bell rang for the students to go to lunch, you hitched your backpack over your shoulder and made your way out of the class with Peter beside you.
The two of you walked and talked in the crowded hallway until you stopped when feeling the buzz from the back pocket of your jeans. Quickly fetching the phone out from your denim trousers, your heart stopped when reading the text message that was sent from Tony.
'Pietro was captured, (Y/N). We will save him and Wanda. Alive.'
You didn't care what the rest of the text said, the only thing running thru your mind was that Wanda was kidnapped and now Pietro was captured and if they aren't alive like how they will be then you will have no family left and that would devastate you to the very end.
"(Y/N)?" Your best friend's voice breaks you out of your trance, "What wrong?"
"It's-It's-It's Wanda and Pietro." You speak with a shaky stuttering voice, your hand starting to violently shake as you successfully put your phone into the front pocket of your jeans, "They, uh, they've been captured."
"But the team will rescue them. The team will rescue them, right?" Peter questions, stepping forward so he was a couple foot away from you. You didn't answer him as your breathing started to get a little heavier and your vision was starting to get a little woozy, "(Y/N)? (Y/N)! (Y/N), what's wrong?"
You lifted your hands up to your eyes to try and get your vision steady, but nothing was working. You shut your eyes as the noise in the hallway was starting to give you a headache and you felt light headed at the same time, "(Y/N), you okay? What is it? What's wrong? (Y/N)."
You opened your eyes as your shaky hands lifted up to your head, your best friend's voice echoing as ou tried to calm yourself down. Key word: tried, "I think I'm having a panic attack."
"Okay, okay," Peter says in a somewhat calming, yet panicking voice. An idea quickly coming to his mind as you shut your eyes again, you felt Peter quickly grasp your hand and tug you two out of the empty hallway then into the boy's locker that was always open for some weird reason.
You dropped your backpack to the side as Peter did the same before helping you towards a side of the lockers. You shakingly drop down to the ground on your knees as Peter sat across from you. Being in a quiet place was somewhat helping you, but just as you thought you were starting to calm down, the panic attack decided to continue on.
"Just-Just-Just think of something. Anything else," Peter quickly tells you as your breathing was starting to get heavier and was starting to get faster.
"Like what?" You questions as tears started to brim the edge of your eyes.
"Oh no, please don't cry. Please don't cry," Peter pleads before taking your hands in his, "Happy thoughts, think happy thoughts. Good things. Friends, puppies, the Avengers, family- wait no, not family. Just-Just try to copy my breathing."
You nodded your head and tried to copy Peter's slow breathing, but you shook your head when you weren't able to, "Peter. Peter, it's not working. It's not working. I can't, I can't."
"(Y/N), (Y/N) hey look at me. Shh, look at me. Shh, look at me, (Y/N)," Peter says, taking your face in his large hands with his thumb softly moving across your cheek with his, somehow, perfect shade of dark brown eyes staring into your eyes. Taking a big leap of faith of hoping for this to work and for you to not reject him, Peter crashed his lips against yours with closed eyes. You not noticing how you held your breath as you closed your eyes and raised your hands up to grasp both of his wrists.
For a second Peter was going to pull away as a blushing, rambling mess because he thought you were going to push him away but slowly relaxed when you started to kiss him back with just as much as affection. Kissing for what felt like forever, but in reality was for a few seconds, you two pulled away and Peter started to blush five shades darker when you rested your forehead against his and somehow with your hands being held with his.
You let out a breath, giving Peter's hand a small squeeze before asking the million dollar question, "H-How'd you do that?"
"I-I read once that holding in your breath can stop a panic attack," Peter half lied. Half being true about holding your breath, but the other half was just because he wanted to kiss you, "So when I kissed you, you held your breath."
"I did?" You questioned as Peter nodded his head, answering back with a, yeah, you did., "Thanks. That was smart."
"It's-It's no problem," Peter blushes before giving your hand a small squeeze as the two of you leaned against the lockers with your hands still held together. Peter taking another leap of faith as he spoke up, but instead he started to ramble like crazy and he couldn't stop himself, "I like you, (Y/N). I've liked you since you joined the Avengers and my crush for you got even bigger when founding out that you're very intelligent and your Russian accent is very hot- but anyways I like you because-"
Soft flesh.
That's what shut Peter up when your soft lips placed against his. Not even a second later, Peter was kissing you back with his hand holding your cheek and after a few minutes of you almost running out of oxygen, you pulled away. Giggling a little when Peter tried to reconnect your lips together, but you gave him a quick peck on the lips before pulling away and resting your head on the side of his chest.
"You ramble too much." You spoke up with a smile. You couldn't see, but you probably would have guessed that Peter was blushing, "Don't worry, I like you too."
Peter opened his mouth to ask, but hesitated for a second before speaking, "Does that make me your boyfriend?"
"I don't know, does that make me your girlfriend." You question with a small smile, looking up at your new boyfriend.
"Then yes."
"большая Сестра!! большой брат!! (Big sister!!) (Big brother!!)" You shouted, running towards your older twins after Peter swung you two to the new tower that Tony decided to build somewhere in the woods of New York. Your older siblings opened their arms as you ran towards them full speed. Not as fast Pietro, but fast enough to almost knocking the wind out of the two.
When pulling away from the two, you started to look at the two for any major injuries and when not finding any, you started to scold the two like a mother scolding their kids for breaking a window, "О чем вы думали?! Ты почти дал мне сердечный приступ, когда Пьетро переписывались меня, что вы были похищены, Ванда, а затем я начал паниковать, когда Тони переписывались меня, что вы были захвачены тоже Pietro!! (What were you thinking?!) (You almost gave me a heart attack when Pietro texted me that you were kidnapped, Wanda and then I started to panic when Tony texted me that you were captured too, Pietro!!)"
The other Avengers decided to tune out the conversation and watch with amusement when Wanda and Pietro gave you guilty looks like kids in trouble and listened to you rant on whatever you were ranting on about to the twins.
"Something you want to tell me, Underoos?" Tony Stark asked the young Avenger with his metal suit crossed arms.
"Uh, me and (Y/N) are dating now," Peter answers with a blissful sigh as you kept on ranting in Russian to your older siblings.
"Peter. Run."

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