Best Friend VS Girlfriend

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"Welcome back to my channel." You waved at the camera with two hands as Tom and Harrison fidgeted and fixed their hair on either side of you.

"Hi." Harrison said in a nasally voice.

"How are ya?" Tom mimicked his voice as they both made a circle with their hands. You realized they were imitating Jeffree Star and you let out a loud groan.

"This was a mistake." You laughed at their antics right before Tom and Harrison kissed you on either cheek. You cut the video there and let your intro play.

"Hi everyone! My name is Y/n L/n and today I'm joined by..." You gestured time Harrison, who looked deep in thought.

"Shouldn't it be joined with? Like I'm joined with Harrison and Tom?" Harrison turned to you and asked. You made a face at him, asking why he decided to ask that in the middle of filming a YouTube video.

"No, it's joined by because if you think about it-" Tom started to give his opinion on the matter.

"AND JOINING ME TODAY," you yelled above their bickering, "is Harrison Osterfield and my boyfriend, Tom Holland."

"I think 'my boyfriend Tom Holland' should go first, personally." Tom interjected, and you suddenly felt like a mother with her two troublesome kids.

"Tell you what, when I kill you both for making me upload a day late, you can go first? Sound good, Tom?" You asked sarcastically with a fake smile. Tom giggled at your threat and leaned into your side, making you laugh as well.

"God, when she threatens to kill you. Heart eyes." Harrison said with sarcastic fawning.

"ANYWAYS", you shot him a look that told him to zip it, "today, we're going to be doing the best friend versus girlfriend challenge."

"Because I'm Toms girlfriend." Harrison nodded along. "Wait, you have to delete that, Y/n. The world doesn't know yet." He pretended to be panicked.

"They're not ready to know." Tom shot Harrison a fake flirty wink.

"Will you two behave? I don't want to get demonetized for graphic content when this video shows me murdering the two of you while that guitar riff youtubers always use plays in the background." You threatened again.

"That sounds like great content though." Tom laughed and elbowed you while you gave the camera a death glare.

"Guys, give this video a thumbs up if you want Y/n to kill us on camera." Harrison said to the camera with two thumbs up.

"Can we get started?" You asked them. "Please?"

"Yes, darling. I'm sorry." Tom said sincerely as he gave your cheek a quick kiss. "What's the first question?"

"I know what the first question is." Harrison piped up. "Shouldn't Tom be in the middle since we're competing?"

"Haz, thats-" ,you were about to scold him for interrupting again when you realized he was right, "a good idea. Tommy, switch with me."

Tom got up and slid into your chair as you got into his.

"First question." Tom smiled brightly at the camera once he was settled in his seat. "What is my middle name?"

"Stanley." Haz blurted before you could say a word. "I get a point." He looked at you with a boastful smile.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't get used to it." You waved off his win.

"Have I ever stolen anything?" Tom read the next question off his phone.

"No." Harrison answered quickly.

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