You have a child from a previous relationship (requested)

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You and Taylor have been dating for eight months now and she had yet to meet your little boy, Carter. You've told her about him and shown her pictures before, but you were hesitant to bring Taylor around for a bit. You didn't want him to grow attached to Taylor and things not work out for the two of you, after all he was only three and he gets attached to people really easily. But as time went on and you two spent more and more time together you realized that it wasn't just a short time relationship, Taylor eventually beginning to bring up conversations of the future with you and carter. And last night you talked, deciding that it was finally time for them to meet and though you were a little nervous about it, you were excited to see how it goes.

Even though you were dating again it didn't change the fact that your world revolves around Carter. He means everything to you and you loved him more than anything else in the world. Taylor would be arriving at any minute but you didn't really notice the time, more focused on your son who was wanting you to play with his toys with him on his bedroom floor. You heard the doorbell downstairs ring making you jump, suddenly more nervous than you imagined you would be. You looked at Carter and smiled at him, picking him up and putting him on your hip to carry him downstairs, though he refused to leave the room without one of his toys making you laugh.

You walked downstairs and stood in front of the door, taking a deep breath before opening it. Taylor stood there smiling with a teddy bear in her hands, looking at the little boy on your hip who was truly the spitting image of you. "Hi Carter. I'm Taylor. I've heard so much about you!" She held the teddy bear out in front of him, looking slightly panicked when he didn't take it at first, instead looking up at you with big eyes before looking back at Taylor and giggling happily, grabbing the teddy bear and hugging it close to him. You let her in before closing the door and putting Carter on the floor only for him to tug on your pant let, signaling for you to crouch down next to him on the floor. He whispered something in your ear making Taylor panic, thinking she did something wrong. You smiled at his words before grabbing his hand and walking over to Taylor. "He wants to know if you wanna go play with his toys with him." She laughed and crouched down on the floor in front of him. "I would absolutely love to play with your toys with you, Carter."

You watched as he held his hand out for her and they both giggled, walking upstairs as you stayed down to order some dinner for the three of you. You walked upstairs quietly, not wanting them to notice you as you watched them play and laugh from the doorway. It made you so happy seeing him so happy and comfortable with her, he was normally shy around company so you knew it was a good sign that he was so comfortable around her. It made your heart flutter watching as Taylor played with his toys with him, both of them laughing as they made silly voices here and there. Carter looked up and giggled when he saw you, getting up and running over to you and dragging you over where Taylor was sitting.

You continued watching him interact with Taylor. They were truly having so much fun together and you were loving every second of it. The doorbell rang downstairs signaling that the food had arrived. You giggled as Carter raced downstairs, you and Taylor quickly following behind him, laughing at how excited he was about dinner. After dinner you decided to lay down on your bed with Taylor next to you and Carter laying on top of you with his head on your shoulder, his breath fanning over your neck as he chewed on the teddy bears ear that Taylor had got for him. You were watching a movie together, the time now 8:00pm which was passed Carter's bedtime; but he was having too much fun to go to bed, according to him. You looked over at Taylor, smiling as she grabbed one of your hands in hers from across the bed. You looked down to find that he had fallen asleep, the sight making your heart melt. "I'll be right back." You whispered to Taylor. She nodded her head and smiled at you, leaning over to kiss Carter's forehead before you got up to take him to bed. You tucked him in and gave him a kiss on the forehead, the same spot Taylor had kissed. "Goodnight baby. I love you." You whispered, turning the lamp off on his little nightstand.

You walked back across the hall to your bedroom where Taylor was. She had paused the movie and her arms were wide open, waiting patiently for you. You giggled and crawled back in bed, resting your head on her stomach while her fingers ran through your hair. "So did you have a good day?" You asked her even though you were already pretty sure about what her answer would be. "Yeah, it was great. You're a really great mom y/n, and I swear he's your twin. He looks just like you." You smiled, closing your eyes and relishing the feeling of her fingers lightly scratching your scalp. "Thank you. I loved watching you interact with him. He really likes you and I'm thankful for that, because so do I." She smiled and kissed your cheek, her mind racing with thoughts of how much she truly loved you and that little boy. She had never really thought about kids before you came along but now that she was with someone who had one and watched as you interacted with him made her feel so happy and she was absolutely positive that she didn't want anything else but you and Carter for the rest of her life.

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