Carter helps her propose (requested)

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Taylor decided to take Carter out for the day to spend some one on one time with him and Carter's so excited he can't even contain it. He loves spending time with Taylor, he's like her second mom and he clearly loves her so much, just as much as she loves him. It's something you never get tired of seeing.

She surprised him by taking him to disneyland and Carter practically screamed at the top of his lungs when they walked in. "Where should we go first?" He pointed towards the disneyland railroad and Taylor poked his sides making him giggle. "The train? Sounds wonderful buddy." He was in awe the entire time and Taylor couldn't help but smile seeing him so happy.

The day was spent going on all the rides Carter wanted to go on, eating more junk food than Carter should've - it was their little secret though - and even meeting some of his favorite disney characters. He was on cloud nine. Taylor bought him a mickey bar and took him to sit on a bench to talk to him about another little surprise she's got up her sleeve.

"Hey Carter, can we talk about something?" He smiled at Taylor, his eyes flicking up to meet hers and she ran her fingers through his slightly curly hair. "So you know how much I love you and your mom, right?" "Yeah!" He cheered and Taylor giggled. "Well i'm planning on asking your mom to marry me... does that sound okay?" She looked into his eyes, trying to gauge his reaction and her heart fluttered when he wrapped his arms around her neck. "So is that a yes, buddy?" She giggled as he pressed a sloppy kiss to her cheek, one of his favorite things to do. "Yeah. I wanna help!" Taylor smiled and wiped some chocolate from his cheek. "I'm sure we can arrange that."


A few days passed and Taylor had finally come up with a plan. She heard your car pull up in the driveway and she bent down to Carter's height, ruffling his curls which made him giggle. "You remember the plan?" He nodded and Taylor kissed his head, embracing him in a quick hug before running upstairs while Carter ran to the front door and hugged your legs as soon as you walked inside.

"Oh! How's my favorite boy today?" You picked him up in your arms and peppered kisses all across his face making him laugh. "Good! Mommy I have a surprise for you!" You put him back on his feet and he grabbed your hand to drag you upstairs. "Okay, okay, i'm right behind you, baby." You said while laughing.

You couldn't believe your eyes. There were dozens and dozens of roses in front of you, scattered all across the hallway and in the bedroom, and even across the bed. "Whoa." You whispered and Carter hugged your legs again. "You okay buddy?" You bent down and he smiled at you, all of his baby teeth showing as he giggled. He pulled something out from his pocket and you gasped when you saw it. The ring.

"Carter?" he smiled at you and walked behind you. You turned around and saw Taylor down on one knee making your heart skip a beat. Carter still had the ring in his hand and you can tell just how happy he is to have that responsibility.

"Y/n - I've loved you for three years now and I can't imagine my life without you, or without Carter. I didn't know how much the both of you would change my life but I couldn't be more thankful. This is what i've always dreamed of; this little family that you've let me be a part of. I'm the luckiest woman in the world to have you both in my life and I wanna spend the rest of my life showing you just how thankful I am. Will you marry me y/n?"

Tears leaked from the corners of your eyes and you looked over at Carter who held the ring out in his tiny hand for you to take.

"Yes!" Taylor sighed and Carter went to hand her the ring. She slipped it on your finger and you got down on your knees to hug them both. "I helped!" Carter said happily making both you and Taylor giggle. You kissed his cheek a few times and smoothed his hair back. "You did buddy. Thank you." Carter wrapped his arms around your neck and hugged you close. "Love you mommy" he kissed your cheek and then let go of you to go give Taylor a hug. He kissed her cheek too and she rubbed his back. "Love you mommy." A tear fell from your eye at the sight.

"I love you too. I love you both so much." Taylor whispered as she stared at you. You leaned forward and kissed Taylor on the lips. This is most definitely one of the best days of your life.

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