"this is my family" (requested)

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Taylor read through the comments of the recent article uploaded that featured you and Carter. The comments weren't all that pleasant and Taylor couldn't help but roll her eyes at a few of them.

She's feeling extra protective of you two lately. You've been together for a while now, coming up on close to almost two years now. She hasn't told many people except the ones she really trusts, because this situation is so different from every relationship she's ever been in before.

The most important thing being Carter. Your little boy has completely stolen her heart. The little boy who now calls her "mom" instead of calling her by her name, because you're engaged and the situation is much more permanent, and even though he's only three he knows Taylor isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

People talk about you a lot. When the paparazzi or fans will catch the three of you out together it always tends to become trending news hours later. She understands the curiosity people must have, but she is feeling more protective than ever.

She's beginning to drop hints of taking a few steps back and beginning to settle down. Most people tend to brush it off or say that it won't be for years to come because to them - it's just her and why would she want to settle down when she's at the peak of her career for seemingly no reason?

"I wanna focus on my family next year" she always says, but most people think she's implying about her parents and brother. Not the little family you have together. And it wasn't that she wanted to stop making music completely or stop everything altogether, just that she wants time to focus on the two people most important to her.

And she felt that it was time she did that. Time she clears it all up.

She put her phone down next to her and went to find you. She found you in the kitchen getting ready to make some lunch for the three of you.

She walked up behind you and put her arms around you. Her hand caught yours, her fingers brushing across the ring on your finger. Just a couple of months ago she popped the question. She can still remember that day like it was yesterday.

"Hi" you turned around and smiled at her. You kissed her cheek causing her to giggle. "Hi, beautiful girl. Can we talk for a second?" You nodded and she led you to the couch in the living room and put her arm around you.

"I was thinking about us. About you and Carter, about my job and the media... and I decided something. I wanted to run it by you first because, well, you and Carter are the most important things to me now." You squeezed her hand as she nervously continued to ramble on and on. "I think I wanna tell everyone about us if you're okay with that."

She stared at you for a minute, watching closely at every feature and every emotion that she could sense. "Okay." She smiled and pulled you in for a kiss before pressing her forehead to yours. "A lot is gonna change. People are gonna be very invasive, way more than they are now. And there's gonna be a lot of prying eyes and questions and-" you rubbed your hand up and down her arm. "Taylor, breathe. I know what I agreed to. I know that things will change, I'm alright with that. I have you and Carter and that's all I need. That's all that matters to me."

Taylor kissed you again, only pulling away when she heard small footsteps across the floor. She pulled away and you watched the biggest grin appear on her face when Carter ran to her. "Everything okay buddy?" She tickled his sides making him laugh and squirm around in her embrace. They might not be related by blood, but she loved him like he was her own. Given that his dad has no contact with him, she's all he knows and all he cares about. He is attached to her at her hip, and she swore that she never loved anyone more.

And a few days later she had an interview and that's when she decided she would reveal everything. Taylor had you two stay home that evening because she knew things would change fast and she didn't wanna overwhelm you or Carter if people caught a glimpse of you two.

Carter sat on your lap while you both watched Taylor on the screen. He's always been so fascinated by that - how she was actually on the tv. Being too young to understand but not too young to know that's his mom, and she has a pretty cool job.

"Now, Taylor. You said you have some big news that you wanted to share today? Do you wanna do that now?" Taylor nodded and looked at the camera as she pulled her phone out of her pocket and loaded up a photo of the three of you.

"This, right here, is my family. This is my fiancee y/n and our son Carter. He's not my son, biologically, but his dad isn't around and I love him like he's my own." The audience in the room gasped and murmured among themselves, the interviewer was completely speechless as Taylor kept explaining everything.

"I met y/n a couple of years ago. We've been together ever since. I proposed a little less than three months ago. I know this is all very sudden and probably a lot for people to take in, but I kept this all very private because I feel like I need to. Carter is only three, he needs that protection and people can be so intrusive and I feel that it's my responsibility to keep them both safe."

She paused and took a breath.

"I love them both very much. I'm gonna be getting married within the next year. I'm gonna be taking some time away for a bit, not for long and not for good, but just for a year or so to focus on them, on us. I need this time to be with my family. And I hope that everyone will respect my decision and my family."

Carter sat there with bright eyes. He ran off your lap and up to the tv, sitting down in front of it and watching Taylor closely. She said his name, talked about him publicly for the very first time, and he was clearly so happy when he heard her.

The interview ended soon after and Taylor didn't waste any time on getting home to you both as quickly as she could. Carter had fallen asleep in your arms but when he heard her keys in the door he woke up and ran on his little legs right to the door.

"Oh, hi!" Taylor said happily as she walked inside and picked him up. You got off the couch and ran to her before pulling them both in for a hug. "I love you" you mumbled as you buried your face in her neck and let your lips lightly brush over her skin.

Taylor smiled as Carter put his head on her chest. "I love you too, y/n. God, I just love you both so much. My beautiful little family." She said with tears in her eyes.

Life was about to change big time but no matter what happens - she has everything she could ever want and need, right there in her arms. Forever.

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