Chapter 18

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Y/n's P.O.V

I got to my school, grabbing ahold of the gates. The doors didn't open.

—He Is—

"Why is the front door locked?"
What the hell it's going on? There aren't any other students here...odd.
I squint my eyes to make sure the school wasn't empty, but sudden energy hit me. The energy coursed through my body, alarming my body.
Another student? I turned around, ready for anything to come, but let out a breath of relief.

" Please don't do that again," I exclaimed, clutching clothes above my chest.
"What are you doing here?"
They didn't smile or move. A glimmer caught my eye. My thoughts were interrupted once they grabbed hold of me, tightly squeezing my arm. A syringe in their handset off alarms in my head.

"What The-" I attempted to send the wave, but my shoulder was quickly injected. They held me in their arms while I was clutching their clothing. My mind went cold, everything around me was getting darker by the second. The world began to blur.
I looked up seeing their face, why would he do this? My eyes closed, fatefully meeting with the darkness.


Midoriya's P.O.V

"Hey Y/n!"

I opened the door to her room, seeing it empty.
Weird, why isn't she here?
I knock on the bathroom door awaiting an answer but opened it to see no one there. I checked the kitchen, catching no signs of her here.
I call her name again loudly, hoping she would respond. Nothing.
I dial Uraraka's number, her immediately answering.
"Good morning!"

"G-good morning Uraraka." I close the apartment door behind me, locking it.
"Deku? Is something wrong?" She asks worriedly.

"It's Y/n she isn't home."
"Maybe she went for a walk, don't worry yourself to quickly Deku. She's old enough to go places without telling you." She chuckled.

I stop in place, the phone up to my ear. "You're right... maybe I'm overreacting."

"Have you tried calling her?"


I kept my hand on my face, not realizing I left Uraraka on the phone. "I-i'm sorry, I feel dumb for not thinking of that first, I'm sorry for bothering you." I hit myself on my forehead repeatedly lecturing myself.

"It's alright Deku." She sweetly chuckles. "I'll let you do that then, goodbye Deku!" She hangs up allowing me to enter Y/n's contact.
I put the phone up to my ear hearing the rings.
1 ring...2 rings...3...
I hang up. My heart rate was increasing.

It's been 30 minutes and she still hasn't picked up the phone. Could she have gotten lost?! This is bad. Don't panic, she's okay. I need to go see All Might, maybe he'll know what to do. As I quickly put in the elevator number, the door opens revealing All Might standing there.
"All M-Might-"

"Don't worry about Y/n Midoriya."
I was shocked, nervous, frustrated at why he's telling me this.
"What do you mean?"
He motioned me to enter the elevator, I enter while clutching my phone, hoping Y/n would call back. Hoping it vibrated.
"Y/n is currently in a hidden facility, she's safe and there's no need to worry-"

"WHAT?!" Mine eyed widened in fear. For her to be locked up in a facility associated with All Might! She's in trouble!
"What Happened?!"
All Might quickly put his hand upon my mouth, my heart continued to beat rapidly. 'What's happening?!'
"Just come with me and I'll tell you everything."


Once we got to the facility, Bakugo along with other pro heroes were in a huge screen room. The place is only lit up by the computer screens. People in lab coats excused their way past me in a hurry. Bakugo saw me, looking away instantly as I silently glared. 'Are the others here as well? '

Dearest ~ Tomura Shigaraki x Reader Where stories live. Discover now