Chapter 20

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Shigaraki as crazy as he looks never went on without a kind of plan. Kurogiri wasn't angry at him but proud that such a fine and exceptional villain like him fell in love. An emotion he'd never thought he'd see.

" I will help you minimally. You will have to run and continue running until you know you're safe. "

" Thank you."



"Yes?" He tiredly replies.

" Can you help me with the fish scales...they gross me out," I said, my eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes, but I have a problem."
Tomura enters with Lilly clinging onto his leg. She's gleeful and strong for such a tiny thing.

I chuckle grabbing her off of him, allowing her to hug me.

" Daddy says it's dangerous for me to go into the lake alone, is that true mommy?"
She questions in my arms, on the verge of crying.

" Of course it is, you're too tiny to be doing those things on your own. You're smart enough to know that."

"Now stop crying, there's no need." I brushed her hair as she looks down sadly, but Tomura swipes her out of my arms and spins her around.
"I have a perfect place for us to go swimming other than the lake!" He exclaims, making Lilly excited.
I was confused since all we have is the lake.

" Fun Time Water Park!"

"Fun Time Water Park?"

I swear I've heard that name before, but that's ridiculous-
" It's this place with slides and so many people, I promise you'll have a lot of fun!"
My heart dropped. I instantly grabbed Tomura's arm, clenching it anxiously. What the hell is he thinking.

"Tomura we can't go. You know not to make promises we can't keep-"


He cupped my cheek, smiling, his healed scars in his lips widening. It makes my heart melt every single time...dammit.

" I believe it's time. We'll be safe, I promise."

"It's been 12 years... " I wrapped my arms around Tomura, shaking from the nervousness. Feeling sick from the stomach.

" I think it's time for us, we'll come back once it's over, Kurogiri is helping us." He says happily grasping my hands. I was surprised until he continues.

" He wanted to give Lilly a good present. Early birthday." He finished.
As much as I didn't want to go he had a plan and so far it never fails. I knew I could trust Tomura. He's my husband after all.


"Daddy that was so much fun!! This place is so amazing! Can we live here?!"
Lilly cheered as we swung her between us.

"Maybe when you're older, Maybe," I said nervously, but smiled.

"Aw okay, daddy!"
I look at everything around us, Izuku's face plastered everywhere. He is absolutely amazing from what I read in the newspapers. He married Uraraka and had two children along with protecting the city. I'm an aunt. I smile at the thought of them.
He kept his promise.

Dearest ~ Tomura Shigaraki x Reader Where stories live. Discover now