Chapter 21= Spray Paint and Endless Kisses

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I smiled as Daniel held my waist tightly and watched as I sprayed red paint all along the school's brick walls. It was currently the last period of the day and Daniel decided that we should have a little fun. So, we snuck behind the school and took out spray paint. So far, I had drawn multiple hearts and a few with me and Daniel's name's in it.

They were cute and quite artistic if you ask me. It was sunny and suprisingly hot even though it was almost Thanksgiving break. No one was around but a few students also skipping, it felt nice.

I giggled as Daniel trailed kisses down my neck and up again. I playfully pushed him away before returning to drawing a big blue star.

"Babe...," I whined as Daniel's lips returned to my skin. It was an anazing feeling, dont get me wrong, but I was in the middle of a masturpiece, and because of him, my star has one crooked arm.

He laughed as he noticed the messed up paint before grabbing the paint from my hands and spinning me around.

"One kiss?" He pleaded. I laughed at his cuteness.

"Fine," I said. "But only one."

He smirked at my answer and roughly smashed his lips to mine. I smiled against the kiss. The fireworks set off once again and it felt amazing.

If your absolutely confuzzled right now, let me back up a couple weeks. Starting from after me and Daniel's first date, when my mom was cleaning my room and somehow found my weed stash.

She was angry with me. She yelled at me. She told me I could have done better. She told me to stop trying to be like my sister to where I responded with an "as if." Its been many weeks now, almost two months and we havnt spoken. Not once. My sister congratulated me though. If thats any good.

Me, Ivory, and Joey aren't friends anymore. Like at all. But by now, I dont really care. Im closer with Rachel now though. Turns out her and Kel haven't spoken much any. I was really sad about that and I tried to help but ever since that day at the hospital where I talked shit about Kel, he hasnt really liked me very much. Yet, he is all over my sister though. From what I hear, he is one of my sister's monthly regulars. How nice. It hurts to see that and know how much it pains Rachel. But what happens happens and we all sucks ass.

Much like Mason's life. He is still with that Beth chick. I would know, I hear them like every freakin' night. Ive only spoken with Mason here and there. Heather still hasnt woken up yet. I know Mason is worried. He wont open up with anyone though. It is almost as if it is useless.

Now as for me and Daniel....hehe. We have been officially boyfriend and girlfriend since about three weeks ago, on Halloween. We went to Zavier's Halloween party, that is guages guy's name. I finally figured it out! Anyways, at the party me and Daniel dressed as pirates. I was the girl pirate and he was the guy....blah blah blah. Sounds stupid...but we were cute. When we got there, Daniel stood on the main stage and asked me to be his in front of the whole highschool student body. It was so sweet and of course I said yes. I was dating Daniel frickin' Barris.

Also, if your wondering, me and Daniel's friends are actually pretty good now. I party with them, I smoke with them, I drink with them, get stoned with them....ya know. They are pretty cool although I still dont exactly like Candy. She's a bitch.

I like Zavier the most because he is funny and sarcastic and all the while mysterious. And he is secretly gay, he admitted to me once when he was drunk at Susan Perry's party. That party was awesome. Anyways, I couldnt help but think how cute him and Joey would be. But Im not friends with Joey, so it shouldnt matter anymore. Ugh. Senior Year. Teenage Life.

I sat on a nearby bench and watched Daniel carefully paint across the brick wall. Clearly, he was so much better at this than me. I was jealous to be honest. He sprayed a life size boy standing next to a fire hydrant. It looked so cool and so surreal.

"How long have you been spray painting?"

"Since I was like fourteen," he answered. I shook my head. Figures.

I crept up to him and wrapped my small arms around his waist. I kissed his shoulder seeing that he had a muscle tee on. Ive never seen him wear it before. He looks hot.



"Your distracting me from my art," he said dramatically causing me to laugh.

"Oh really? Just like you distracted me?" I quirked an eyebrow and he laughed.


I took the spray paint out his hands like he did to me and Daniel turned around to look at me. I smiled innocently.

"Give me a kiss," He said and pointed to his cheek.

I happily obliged and reached up to his cheek just as he quickly turned and I met his lips. I smiled as we parted and quickly returned again. I held on to his arms and he wrapped around my waist and bit my bottom lip. I sighed softly.

"Your beautiful, princess," he whispered against my lips and I smiled up at him.

"Your not so bad yourself."


"Hi, Mrs. Johnson," I greeted my other neighbor.

She was an old lady much like Mrs. Callie and she was nice when she wasnt being annoying and constantly asking for sugar, even after we tell her we have no more sugar.

"Nice day isn't it?" She asks.

"Yeah, it is," I reply honestly just as I unlock my door and wave to her goodbye.

I walk in the house and see my mom bustling about in the kitchen. I look at her briefly and she meets my eyes before swiftly looking away. I sigh and head straight to my room.

I walk in and see Mason sitting there on my bed. I almost jump.

"Omigod, Mason. Dont scare me like that," I said as I set my stuff down and took off my Callie's Cafe apron. I went to work today and it was honestly pretty tiring.

"Im sorry," he smiled but it didnt meet his eyes.

"Whats up?"

"Uh, can we talk? Like really talk?" I looked at him worriedly.

"Bout what?" I sat at my desk chair and fiddled with my hands in my lap.

"You know what," he spoke. I looked up and met his eyes.

I could see the sadness in his eyes. The lack of sleep showing. His paling skin and his messy hair that somehow still looked amazing on him. This was my good friend and my neighbor for years now. And he was hurting. Badly.

"Yeah....," I said as I sighed deeply.

"Do you....uhm, do you want to go with me to the hospital tomorrow?"

I hadn't gone to visit Heather in a while. All I know is that she has supposedly gotten better, but she is still in a coma. As for their Dad, his court date was coming up soon. Mason didnt want to think about that though.

"Umm," I thought about how I was suppose to meet Zavier and Daniel at the movies tomorrow night,"Im free in the morning."

"Okay." He seemed to glow a little,"Ill pick you up tomorrow."

I smiled,"Okay."



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